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The Full Story

Our Purpose


As part of corporate America, I found that I had very little time to prepare and nurture my practice. Many times, it left me feeling like less of a witch because I didn't have the time or energy to invest in my craft.
During the pandemic, I left the corporate world and my practice flourished. I became whole again in my consistent Witchery.

This is how Busy Witch Box was born!

Helping other witches celebrate the magic of Sabbats & Esbats is why BWB was created. This subscription box is for witches who find themselves unsure of where to start, what magical tools to use, or simply too busy & need someone to curate & create their ritual.
I’ve designed each Sabbat to be easily customizable for your personal practice, if you’d like to hone each ritual to suit your path and preferences. Or not!

The Busy Witch Box is a starting point of which you can always branch off from with your own creative intuition if you choose.
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About Lia

Taurus Sun - Leo Moon - Leo Rising

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     Twenty-seven years ago I was sitting in a Presbyterian church in a small Midwestern town. My husband’s family had been a part of the congregation for generations. I had only lived there a little over a year. During that time, I had become friends with the assistant pastor, an amazing woman with expansive views. That particular day, she gifted me a book during fellowship (coffee & danishes after the service in the basement.)

The book was “The Spiral Dance” by Starhawk. I will never forget the smile on her face, “I believe this is what you’re looking for.” she said to me. Over the next two years I devoured everything witchcraft! Aleister Crowley, Gerald Gardner, Scott Cunningham, Zsuzsanna Budapest, the list is long!

     Fast forward to having babies, raising Witchlings, moving across the country (with a different partner), all the while not revealing my path to the outside world. I was a solitary practitioner who lived by WitchVox for information and resources in my area. My position in the Hospitality Industry required me to travel / move every 18-24 months.

     As my children got older, they became more vocal about their path, which caused me to become more comfortable in my own skin. We started doing festivals and selling witchy products. I’d always created for my family but this made me realize my gifts were untapped and I needed to share. Friends, family, friends of friends through word of mouth, everyone started receiving gifts that were ‘infused’ specifically for them.

We moved once again and that significantly slowed my momentum in creating. The role I was in was incredibly demanding mentally and I came home exhausted every night. Which brings me full circle to the beginning of the story and the intention behind Busy Witch Box!
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