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Lammas-Mabon-Samhain: 3 Sabbat Box Set

Lammas-Mabon-Samhain: 3 Sabbat Box Set

Embrace the Magickal Weaving of the Seasons with Our 3 Sabbat Box Set! As the Wheel of the Year turns and we step into the dark half, the air thickens with magick and mystery. The time has come to embrace the waning light and the deepening shadows. Our exclusive Sabbat Box Bundle, featuring Lammas, Mabon, and Samhain, is your key to unlocking the profound experiences and sacred rituals that define this powerful season.

Lammas/Lughnasadh: Embrace the First HarvestThe first harvest is upon us, a time to gather the fruits of your labor and honor the earth's abundant blessings. With the Lammas Sabbat Box, immerse yourself in the magick of the harvest, celebrating prosperity, and gratitude. Invoke the radiant energy of the sun and the nurturing spirit of the land as you prepare your sacred rituals and offerings. Let the aromatic scents, symbols, and magickal tools within guide you in celebrating this season of abundance. Feel the essence of the grain, the warmth of the sun, and the whispers of the earth as you perform your ritual & spell work, honoring the cycle of life and abundance.


Mabon: Balance and Gratitude! As the days and nights reach perfect balance during the Autumn Equinox, the Mabon Sabbat Box invites you to reflect & acknowledge. This is a moment of introspection and equilibrium, where you can find harmony within and around you. Use the magickal items and correspondences to align yourself with the energies of balance, grounding, and gratitude. Each element is designed for working with the energies of the turning of the Wheel & the journey inward as the days grow shorter.


Samhain: The Veil Thins! Samhain, the Witches' New Year, is a time of profound spiritual connection & transformation. The veil between the worlds is at its thinnest & the Samhain Sabbat Box offers you the tools to honor & connect with your ancestors, commune with spirits, and delve into the mysteries beyond the veil. Embrace the darkness, the unknown, and the whispers of the past as you create a sacred space for reflection & renewal. This box is your companion for powerful rituals, divination, and honoring the cycles of life and death.


Experience the Magick! Each Sabbat Box in this bundle is crafted to provide an immersive, experiential journey for the solitary witch practitioner. These boxes are more than just collections of items; they are gateways to deeper understanding, personal transformation & spiritual growth. Created to enhance your magickal workings.

With each turn of the Wheel, you are invited to step into the sacred rhythms of nature, to celebrate, reflect, and renew.

Our Sabbat Box Bundle is designed to enchant and empower you, providing the guidance and tools you need to fully embrace the magick of Lammas, Mabon, and Samhain. Let the energies of these sacred times infuse your practice, as you honor the earth, the seasons, and the mysteries that lie beyond.

Why Choose Our 3 Sabbat Box Set?
✨ Handcrafted with Intention: Each item is carefully crafted, selected and infused with magickal intent.
✨ Complete Ritual Experience: Each box contains 10+ items to enhance your ritual celebrations.
✨ Curated for Power: Magickally curated to align with the potent energies of Lammas, Mabon and Samhain.
✨ Seasonal Magick: Energetically attuned to the magick of the changing seasons.
✨ Perfect for Solitary Practitioners: Whether you practice alone or with a coven, our boxes are designed to enhance your spiritual journey.
✨Free Shipping✨

Order now and let the magick unfold in your sacred space! 
🌾Lammas/Lughnasadh begins shipping on July 24, 2024

🍁Mabon begins shipping on September 12, 2024

🔮Samhain begins shipping October 15, 2024


📷images depicted are past boxes🌟







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