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Your Witchy Guide to the Full Blue Moon in Pisces ♓️

Unlocking the Mystical Depths: Your Guide to the Full Blue Moon in Pisces

Greetings my Witchy Friends!

As the cosmic dance of the universe aligns, a rare celestial occurrence has arrived– the Full Blue Moon in Pisces. This enchanting event unveils a world of dreams, intuition, and transformative energies. Let's embark on a journey of exploration and self-discovery, embracing the wisdom of the mystical Piscean waters.

Understanding the Full Blue Moon in Pisces:

Occurring when the Sun in Virgo opposes the Moon in Pisces, the Full Blue Moon is a culmination of intentions set during the New Moon. Pisces, the intuitive dreamer of the zodiac, takes the stage, inviting us to embrace our emotions, spiritual growth, and creative expression.

Embracing the Piscean Energy:

Pisces' watery realm aligns with the Virgo-Pisces polarity, where practicality meets the ethereal. Balancing day-to-day routines (Virgo) with spiritual connection (Pisces) becomes key. As you tend to the tangible aspects of life, honor your need for inner exploration and magickal growth.

Creating Your Sacred Space:

Prepare your altar with sea green, lavender, and deep blue elements, embodying the Piscean palette. Adorn it with crystals like amethyst and rainbow moonstone to amplify intuitive energies. Indigo candles symbolize Pisces' dreamy nature, casting a soothing glow for your rituals.

Ritual Bath: "Cleansing Waters of Renewal"

Immerse yourself in a ritual bath infused with Piscean energy. Add lavender and chamomile to soothe your senses. As you soak, visualize the moon's light washing away emotional burdens, making space for renewal and transformation.

Mirror Meditation: "Unveiling the Depths"

Grab a mirror & candle. Gaze into your reflection, allowing the depths of your subconscious to unfurl like ripples on water. Explore your dreams and emotions in this sacred space.

Infusing Your Journey with Flower Essence Moon Water:

Essence Moon Water carries the Piscean essence of intuition and depth. For added energetic impact, mist or add water to your mirror during meditation to enhance introspection and connection with your inner self. It's a portal to the realms of your subconscious.

Journal Prompts: "Exploring the Magick Within"

- What intuitive insights have you received lately?

- How can you balance your practical and spiritual needs?

- What emotions are surfacing under the Piscean energy?

- What attachments are you ready to release for transformation?

- How can you infuse creativity and intuition into your daily life?

Release & Letting Go:Candle Magick

As the moon wanes and the Blue Moon in Pisces graces the sky, we gather to release what no longer serves us and open ourselves to transformation. In this alternative release and letting go ritual, we'll use the flame of a white candle to symbolize our willingness to shed old patterns and embrace new beginnings.*

Materials Needed:

- White candle

- Small piece of paper

- Fire-safe container or bowl

Ritual Steps:

1. Preparation:

   - Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus without distractions. Place the white candle on a fire-safe surface and have the piece of paper and a fire-safe container nearby.

2. Setting Your Intention:

   - Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. As you light the white candle, declare your intention to release and let go of what no longer serves you. This could be an emotion, a habit, a fear, or anything else you're ready to release.

3. Writing Your Release:

   - On the piece of paper, write down what you wish to release. Be specific and clear in your wording. Pour your emotions into the words, expressing your readiness to let go.

4. Igniting the Flame:

   - Hold the paper with your written release above the candle flame. As it catches fire, visualize the flames consuming the words and transforming them into energy that is released into the universe.

5. Releasing to the Flames:

   - Carefully drop the burning paper into the fire-safe container or bowl. Watch as the flames dance and consume the paper, representing the transformational process of releasing.

6. Affirmation of Release:

   - As the paper turns to ashes, affirm your release by saying, "I release and let go of [name what you're releasing]. I embrace transformation and welcome new beginnings."

7. Allowing the Candle to Burn:

   - Allow the white candle to burn down safely or extinguish it if needed. As you do, reflect on the act of release and the space it creates for positive changes in your life.

8. Final Thoughts:

   - When the candle is fully extinguished, take a moment to thank the universe for guiding you through this process. You've set the intention to release and transform, allowing the energy of the Blue Moon to support your journey.

May the flame of transformation guide you toward a path of growth, renewal, and positive change.

As you honor the Full Blue Moon in Pisces, you embrace the dreamy energy of the cosmos. Explore the depths of your soul, release what no longer serves you, and bloom like the Moonflower under the moonlit sky. May your journey be filled with transformation, intuitive growth, and the embrace of the mystic within.

Brightest Blessings on your journey within this celestial magick!

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