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  • Writer's pictureLia

🔥🌞 Your Guide to High Summer Magick 🌻✨

Welcome my witchy friends!

As we revel in the warmth of High Summer magick, I would like to share this comprehensive guide, unveiling the enchanting correspondences, magickal properties, and invocations that make High Summer an essential time for witches to harness the sun's fiery energy and embrace its transformative power. So, gather your tools and open your heart as we explore the significance of High Summer and the magick that thrives within this potent season!

Understanding the Significance of High Summer Magick

'High Summer' refers to the peak of the summer season, typically around the time of & directly following, the Summer Solstice. This period holds great importance for witches and practitioners of the occult, as it marks the zenith of solar energy. During this time, the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, offering us an abundance of fiery power, vitality, and illumination.

The intensity of High Summer fuels our spells with a potent transformative energy, allowing us to manifest our desires, ignite our passions, and tap into our inner strength. It is a time of vibrant growth, joy, and celebration, when nature is in full bloom and the earth pulses with life.

Magickal Properties and Correspondences of High Summer:

To align our magick with the essence of High Summer, let us explore its correspondences and magickal properties:

1. Element: Fire

Fire represents passion, creativity, transformation, and the life-giving energy of the sun. High Summer aligns perfectly with the element of Fire, infusing our spells with its fierce power.

2. Direction: South

The South, the direction of the sun at its zenith, holds a strong association Summer’s magick. It signifies illumination, manifestation, and the peak of personal power.

3. Colors: Vibrant shades of red, orange, and gold symbolize the fiery energy of the sun and evoke the warmth and passion of 'High Summer.'

4. Crystals: Sunstone, citrine, carnelian, and amber are potent crystals to work with during 'High Summer.' They amplify our solar connection, inspire creativity, and help manifest our desires.

5. Herbs and Plants: Embrace the magickal properties of herbs such as St. John's Wort, calendula, chamomile, lavender, and rosemary. They enhance prosperity, protection, healing, and love magick during this time.

6. Ritual Tools: The athame (ritual knife), cauldron, and candles (especially in shades of red, orange, and gold) are excellent tools for 'High Summer' magick. They represent the transformative power of fire and aid in directing and focusing energy.

7. Tarot Card: Three of Cups. The Three of Cups embodies the joyful and celebratory energy often experienced during the Summer months. It signifies connections, friendship, abundance, and a sense of communal celebration.

Types of Magick to Practice during 'High Summer':

1. Passion and Creativity: Embrace the fiery energy of High Summer to ignite your passions, inspire creativity, and pursue artistic endeavors. Use this time to work on projects, write spells, create artwork, or explore new hobbies that fuel your soul.

2. Manifestation: Harness the abundant energy of the season to manifest your desires. Write down your goals and dreams, infuse them with intention, and perform spells and rituals to draw them into your life. Visualize your manifestations as already accomplished, feeling the warmth of the sun's energy empowering your intentions.

3. Solar Magick: As the sun shines brightly during this time, connect with its transformative power through solar magick. Absorb the sun's energy by spending time outdoors, meditating under its rays, foraging supplies for your workings, or performing rituals and spells during the daytime. Charge your tools and crystals under the sun for added potency & to clear or ‘burn’ away any unwanted energy (make sure you do the research on which crystals should not be in direct sunlight, i.e. Citrine, Amethyst, Fluorite, Clear & Rose Quartz, to name a few).

4. Divination and Insight: The heightened energy of 'High Summer' enhances our intuitive abilities and provides an opportune time for divination. Utilize divinatory tools like tarot cards, runes, or scrying to gain insight into your path and make decisions aligned with your true purpose.

Here are 3 questions you can ask for a Tarot pull:

1. What energies should I embrace and amplify during this time?

2. What creative projects or passions should I focus on during this season?

3. What insights and wisdom can I gain for my personal growth?

Remember to create a sacred space, shuffle the tarot cards while focusing on your question, and intuitively select the cards that resonate with you. Interpret the messages they convey with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the guidance offered by the cards.

Invocation this Season of Magick:

To honor the fiery energy of High Summer and invite its transformative power into your magickal practice, you can recite the following invocation:

Fiery sun, at your zenith bright,

I stand in your radiance, bathed in light.

Empower my magick, ignite my flame,

Transform and bless, in your sacred name.

By your fiery essence, my will be done,

In High Summer's embrace, my magick is spun.

Repeat this invocation with confidence and reverence, allowing the words to resonate within you, forging a strong connection with the energy of this season.

As the sun has reached its apex on Summer Solstice, the flames of summer continue to burn brightly, we find ourselves immersed in a time of profound magickal potential. Embrace the fiery energy, align with the correspondences, and practice spells and rituals that empower your passions, manifest your desires, and illuminate your path.

May the transformative power of High Summer infuse your magick with brilliance, vitality, and abundance.

Brightest Magickal Blessings! Lia

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