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  • Writer's pictureLia

Unlock Infinite Abundance: Harness the Power of the 2024 Lions Gate Portal 888

Updated: Aug 8

✨Greetings Magickal Souls!✨

This is one of my favorite times of the year! Being a Leo Rising & Leo Moon sign, I am all about the Lions Gate Portal. The beautiful thing is, you don't have to have Leo in your chart to benefit from this Lions Gate Portal 2024. It simply falls during Leo Season. As the golden rays of the summer sun warm our spirits & the vibrant energy of this season envelops us, the universe gifts us with a time of profound transformation & manifestation. This year, from July 26th to August 12th, 2024, we can tap into the extraordinary alignment that actually peaks on August 8th. This year is especially powerful as the numerology of 8/8/2024 brings the energy of 888 into our lives, amplifying the magick & potential for abundance.

Imagine a celestial gateway opening up, inviting you to step through & embrace a world of endless possibilities. Let's take a journey together, through this powerful portal & explore eight ways to harness its transformative energy.

The Lion's Gate Portal occurs when the Earth aligns with Sirius, the Sun & Orion's Belt, creating a potent stream of energy. Sirius, known as the 'Spiritual Sun' shines brightly, illuminating our path & enhancing our intuition. This alignment opens a celestial gateway, offering us a profound opportunity to connect with the universe and manifest our most heartfelt desires.

Every year, the Lion’s Gate Portal creates a beautiful alignment in the heavens. The Sun in Leo shines its brightest, symbolizing strength and courage, while Sirius, the spiritual sun, rises to meet the Sun in the sky, creating a bridge to higher realms. This powerful alignment opens the door to new dimensions of energy, inviting you to step through and embrace your destiny.

The Significance of 888: Abundance and Infinity

In numerology, the number 8 symbolizes abundance, prosperity & infinity. Its continuous loop represents the boundless energy of the universe. The alignment of 8/8/2024 brings the powerful energy of 888, creating a unique opportunity for spiritual growth and manifestation. This is a time to dream big, set your intentions, and allow the universe to guide you toward your highest potential.

The energy of 888 combines the vibrations of empowerment, balance & infinite possibilities. When you see 888, it’s a sign that the universe is supporting you in manifesting your dreams and desires. The Lion's Gate Portal in 2024, with its triple eight energy, is an especially auspicious time to focus on abundance, success, and spiritual growth.


Eight Ways to Harness the Lion's Gate Energy

To make the most of this powerful period, here are eight unique and enchanting ways to embrace the energy of the Lion's Gate Portal.

1. Celestial Candle Ritual

Create a sacred space with candles in shades of gold, white, and deep blue to represent the cosmic alignment. Anoint the candles with essential oils that align like frankincense, lemon, rose, sandalwood, lavender, cedarwood, jasmine, patchouli, or bergamot.. As you light each candle, focus on your intentions and visualize the radiant energy of Sirius illuminating your path. Allow the candles to burn as you meditate on your dreams.


  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space.

  2. Arrange the candles and anoint them with the essential oils.

  3. Light the candles one by one, setting an intention with each flame.

  4. Sit quietly, focusing on your breath and the flickering light. What do you see?

  5. Now, visualize your desires manifesting, feeling the warmth and positivity of their fruition.

2. Portal Tarot Spread

It's time to moon bathe! Absorb the energy under the starlit sky & perform a special Tarot reading. Use a spread that focuses on transformation and manifestation (like the 6 card spread). Ask the cards to reveal insights about your path and how to best harness the Lion's Gate energy. Record your reading in your journal and reflect on the messages you receive. (if you need additional guidance on the card descriptors, send me a message!)


  1. Prepare your Tarot deck and a comfortable outdoor space under the stars.

  2. Center yourself with deep breaths and set your intention for the reading.

  3. Lay out your chosen Tarot spread.

  4. Interpret the cards, noting any themes of transformation and manifestation.

  5. Write down your insights and reflections.

3. Crystal Grid of Abundance

Create a crystal grid using stones that resonate with abundance and transformation. Good options are citrine, green aventurine, and labradorite. Arrange them in a geometric pattern, placing a clear quartz crystal in the center to amplify the energy. Set your intentions and allow the grid to work its magick throughout the Lion's Gate Portal.


  1. Cleanse your crystals before beginning.

  2. Choose a geometric pattern that resonates with you.

  3. Arrange the crystals with intention, placing clear quartz in the center.

  4. Meditate on your intentions, visualizing the grid activating.

  5. Leave the grid in place throughout the portal period.

4. Dream Journal and Astral Exploration

Keep a dream journal by your bedside and pay special attention to your dreams during this period. Before sleep, set an intention to receive messages or travel the astral plane. Upon waking, write down any dreams, symbols, or messages. This practice can reveal profound insights and connect you with your subconscious desires.


  1. Place your dream journal and pen beside your bed.

  2. Set an intention before sleep to receive guidance in your dreams.

  3. Record your dreams immediately upon waking.

  4. Reflect on any symbols or messages, seeking their deeper meanings.

  5. Repeat nightly throughout the portal.

5. Sacred Movement and Dance

Engage in sacred movement to align your body with the cosmic energy. Dance under the moonlight, practice yoga, or perform tai chi in nature. Let the movements be fluid and intuitive, allowing the energy to flow through you and release any stagnant emotions.


  1. Find a space where you can move freely.

  2. Choose music or move in silence, whichever feels right.

  3. Begin with gentle stretching, tuning into your body.

  4. Let the movement become more expressive, flowing with the energy.

  5. As you complete your sacred movement, end your time in stillness with a manifestation meditation.

6. Alchemical Water Ritual

Objective: Harness the transformative energy of the 888 Lions Gate Portal to manifest abundance, spiritual growth, and personal transformation.


  • A clear glass bowl or jar

  • Fresh water (preferably spring or distilled)

  • Essential oils (frankincense, sandalwood, rose, lemon)

  • Crystals (citrine, clear quartz, amethyst)

  • Gold or yellow flower petals (sunflower, marigold)-Optional

  • Small pieces of paper & pen

  • A piece of pyrite (fool's gold)- Optional


  • Choose a quiet outdoor space where you can see the Sun or Moon, ideally during the peak of Lions Gate (August 8th). Determine if day or night resonates more with you & proceed.

  • Fill the clear glass bowl or jar with fresh water. Select essential oils that align with the energies of manifestation and abundance. Use frankincense for spiritual elevation, sandalwood for grounding and protection, rose for love and harmony & lemon for clarity and purification.

  • Add a few drops of each chosen essential oil to the water, visualizing the energies of the oils infusing the water with their magickal properties. Now, place citrine, clear quartz, and amethyst crystals around or inside the bowl. Citrine enhances abundance, clear quartz amplifies intentions, and amethyst supports spiritual growth.

  • Visualize the crystals charging the water with their powerful energies.

  • If you choose, add gold or yellow flower petals such as sunflower or marigold to the water. These flowers symbolize the Sun, abundance, and joy.

  • Gently stir the water, focusing on your intentions for the ritual.

  • Grab your small pieces of paper, write down your intentions, desires, and what you wish to manifest during the Lions Gate Portal. You can even draw what you're manifesting.

  • Fold each piece of paper and hold it in your hands, visualizing your energy and intentions flowing into the words.

  • Place the folded papers into the water, allowing them to soak up the magickal essence.

  • Speak your intentions aloud, affirming your desires and visualizing them manifesting into reality.

  • Leave the bowl or jar in a spot where it can absorb the energies of both the Sun & Moon. The ideal time is to start at sunrise and leave it until moonrise, allowing the water to be charged by the full spectrum of celestial energy.

  • If possible, leave it overnight to absorb the full power of the cosmic alignment. After the water has been charged, carefully remove the papers (all writings should have been infused into the water).

  • Use the magickal water to bless yourself by anointing your forehead, heart chakra & hands, symbolizing clarity of mind, purity of heart, and the power to manifest.

  • Sprinkle the water around your home or sacred space to infuse it with the energy of abundance and manifestation.

  • You can also use the water to water your plants, transferring the potent energies to the living beings around you.

  • 7. Lion's Gate Vision Board

  • Creating a vision board is a fun way to manifest your dreams using the Lion's Gate energy. There are two ways to create this. One, make a digital vision board & use the board as your lock screen as a daily reminder. Or two, you can go old school & gather magazines, scissors, glue, and a large piece of paper or poster board. Cut out images and words that represent your dreams and arrange them on your board. Add personal photos and write affirmations. Below is an example of this method. Place your vision board where you'll see it daily, reminding you of your dreams.


  1. Find a comfortable and inspiring workspace.

  2. Gather your supplies: magazines, scissors, glue, and poster board.

  3. Reflect on your dreams and goals.

  4. Cut out images, words, and phrases that resonate with your intentions.

  5. Arrange them on the board, adding personal photos and affirmations.

  6. Glue everything in place, creating a collage of your dreams.

  7. Place your vision board where you'll see it daily, reinforcing your goals.

8. Lion's Gate Abundance Ritual

Here is a quick abundance spell to help attract prosperity and align you with the universe's flow. Light a green candle for abundance & a pinch of sea salt to a bowl of water for purification, and write your financial intentions on a piece of paper. Visualize them coming true, dip the paper in the water to cleanse doubts. Recite this Incantation,

As the Lions Gate Portal opens wide,

Abundance flows, like the rising tide.

With golden light and cosmic might,

Manifest my dreams, in day and night.

Now, if your candle is in a fire safe dish, you may burn the paper, sending the manifestations to the cosmos within the smoke. Or, you may place the paper & a citrine or aventurine crystal beside the candle. Let the candle burn safely and keep the crystal as a reminder of your intentions.


  1. Gather a green candle, a bowl of water, sea salt, paper, and pen.

  2. Light the candle, focusing on the energy of abundance.

  3. Add a pinch of sea salt to the water, stirring gently.

  4. Write your financial intentions on the paper.

  5. Visualize your intentions manifesting as you dip the paper in the water.

  6. Choose to burn the paper in the flame or place the paper & crystal beside the candle (whichever resonates with you).

  7. Let the candle burn safely, infusing the space with your intentions.

The Lion's Gate Portal is a magickal event that invites you to embrace transformation and manifest your dreams. As we approach August 8th, 2024, let the energy of the Lion's Gate Portal guide you on a journey of renewal and abundance. The universe is ready to support you in achieving your deepest desires—now is the time to dream big and let the magick unfold.

This sacred period invites us to explore our inner world, embrace our true potential, and let our dreams take flight. Trust in the magick of the universe and allow it to guide you toward your destiny.

Let the Lion’s Gate Portal inspire you to live a life filled with wonder and possibility. Celebrate your journey, honor your dreams, and trust in the universe’s guidance. Open your heart to the magick of this cosmic event and let it lead you toward a future of infinite possibilities.

In magick & transformation,



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