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🌕🏹🔮Unleash Your Inner Archer! How the Full Moon in Sagittarius Can Help You Aim for the Stars!

Greetings Witches!

As we explore the mystical energies of the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3, 2023, we embrace the adventurous and optimistic nature of this fiery celestial event. Align yourself with the essence of Sagittarius, ruled by the expansive planet Jupiter, and embark on a journey of exploration, growth, and the realization of your dreams.

🌕 Correspondences:

- Sign: Sagittarius ♐️

- Ruling Planet: Jupiter 🪐

- Element: Fire 🔥

- Color: Purple or Blue 💜🔵

- Crystals: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate

- Herbs: Sage, Cedar, Frankincense, Rosemary

- Tarot Card: Temperance (XIV)

- Astrological House: 9th House (House of Philosophy and Higher Learning)

🌕 Meaning and Significance:

The Full Moon in Sagittarius, also known as the Strawberry Moon, signifies a period of promise, positivity, and the fulfillment of plans. With the mutable nature of Sagittarius at play, this lunar phase encourages travel, expansion, and embracing new experiences. Allow your adventurous spirit to guide you towards personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. This particular full moon aligns with Mars, the planet of drive and motivation, enhancing your courage to take on new conquests. Although it also clashes with Saturn, the planet of rules and discipline, fear not, for Jupiter's influence brings harmony and stability to create a supportive environment for all zodiac signs. This celestial harmony instills the determination needed to pursue your long-term goals with confidence.


✨ Ritual and Celebration Suggestions:

To honor and celebrate the Full Moon in Sagittarius, consider incorporating the following practices into your practice:

1. Setting Intentions:

Prepare for the full moon by setting clear intentions that align with the adventurous and expansive energy of Sagittarius. Write down your goals and dreams, focusing on those that involve personal growth, travel, and the pursuit of knowledge. Embrace the optimism that this full moon brings and believe in the realization of your aspirations.

2. Sacred Space Preparation:

Create a sacred space that reflects the essence of Sagittarius. Decorate your altar with purple or blue flowers, altar cloth, or anything that speaks to you and adorn it with symbols of travel, such as maps, compasses, or images of far-off destinations. Place your chosen crystals, such as amethyst or lapis lazuli, to amplify the energy of this full moon.

3. Moon Bathing and Meditation:

Find a peaceful outdoor spot under the moonlight or create an indoor moon-inspired ambiance. Take a moment to bask in the moon's glow, absorbing its transformative energy. Meditate on your goals, visualizing yourself achieving them and expanding your horizons. Seek guidance from your higher self.

4. Elemental Fire Ritual:

As Sagittarius is a fire sign, consider performing a fire ritual to harness its energy. Light a purple or blue candle, create an Invocation and speak your intentions aloud, allowing the flame to symbolically carry them to the Universe. Burn Sagittarius Guardian Herbs like Sage, Dandelion Root & Willow, blended with Cedar, or Frankincense for purification and to invite wisdom and clarity.

5. Divination and Tarot:

Engage in divination practices to gain insights and guidance during this potent Full Moon in Sagittarius. Draw the Temperance card (XIV) from your tarot deck as a focal point for your readings. Reflect on the card's symbolism of balance, moderation, and harmony. Use your preferred divination method, whether it's tarot, oracle cards, or scrying, to seek clarity on your path ahead and receive messages from the Universe.

6. Journaling and Reflection:

Set aside time for introspection and self-reflection during this full moon phase. Use a journal to write about your aspirations, experiences, and lessons learned on your journey. Take note of the adventures you wish to embark on, the knowledge you seek to acquire, and the personal growth you desire. Capture your thoughts and emotions, allowing yourself to release any limitations and embrace the freedom that Sagittarius offers.

7. Solitary Ritual:

For those who prefer to practice their craft in solitude, a solitary ritual can be a deeply personal and powerful way to connect with the energies of the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Create a sacred space in your chosen location, whether it's indoors or outdoors, where you can fully immerse yourself in the mystical atmosphere.

8. Gratitude and Celebration:

Express gratitude for the blessings and opportunities that have come your way and those yet to manifest. Embrace the optimism of this full moon and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Consider preparing food associated with Sagittarius, such as international cuisines or dishes inspired by distant cultures. Enjoy it as a personal celebration of your own growth and aspirations.


The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a time of expansion, adventure, and embracing the boundless possibilities that lie before you. Trust in the power of the universe and your own inner fire as you step into the transformative energies of this lunar phase. May this guide support you on your magickal journey, guiding you towards the fulfillment of your dreams and the realization of your true potential.

✨Embrace your Inner Archer & Shoot for the Moon✨

🌙Brightest Blessings Beautiful Souls!


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