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  • Writer's pictureLia

The Wheel is Turning✨

Greetings Witches!

As the weather continues to warm in the northern hemisphere, we have a lot to experience in the month of April!

I've put together a guide(of sorts) for the celestial happenings, and how we can move through the rest of this Aries season with our intuition, tuned into the Universe🖤

🌙Are you feeling the Magick in the air⭐️

As you've undoubtedly, heard, a rare, astrological event is upon us, as Pluto enters Aquarius, promising to bring about substantial changes to our lives in the world as we know it!

To shed some additional light on the headlines we may have seen, let's first get to know our cosmic players. Pluto, named after the Roman god of the underworld, represents transformation, rebirth, and profound, psychological change. Meanwhile, Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, the planet of sudden change and revolution, is known for its a progressive and humanitarian nature. With these two cosmic power houses joining forces, we are in for some major transformations!

Pluto's journey through Aquarius will last for approximately 20 years, making this shift, a slow, moving, long-term shift with far reaching effects. During this time, we can expect to see considerable transformations in technology, society, and our collective consciousness. Aquarius is the sign, most closely associated with technology and innovation, so, as Pluto moves through this sign, we can anticipate groundbreaking advancements in various fields, such as AI, renewable energy, biotech, and expanding space exploration. Get ready for a world where the lines between science-fiction and reality begin to blur!

In addition to technological advancements, we may witness powerful changes in the way we approach social issues, including breaking down barriers between different cultures, economic classes, and even nations. This. May foster new ways of thinking, and an increase focus on social justice, environmental, conservation, and Global cooperation.

Furthermore, as Pluto's transformative energy combines with Aquarius's focus on the collective, we may experience a new spiritual awakening. As we could become more aware of our interconnectedness with others and the environment, leading to a greater sense of compassion and unity.



But what does this planetary shift mean for you personally? It's important to remember that astrology is not deterministic, and that we all have free will.

However, this astrological event can serve as an invitation to tap into our own transformative power, and embrace change in our lives. It's a time to reflect on what areas of life we may need to let go of and where we can embrace new beginnings. With Pluto's influence, we may need to confront and work through deep, seated fears and emotional blockages in order to move forward. So, how can we best navigate this period of transformation, and make the most of its potential benefits?

Here are a few suggestions:

these suggestions can help us navigate this period of transformation. It's important to remember that Wilde is astrological event may bring about significant changes on a global level, we all have the power to shape our individual journeys. Let's embrace the opportunities for growth and self discovery that come our way during this time and determined for ourselves the path we take!


Welcome the Full Moon in Libra on April 6th

The full moon in libra is a time for balance and harmony. It's a great time to reflect on your relationships and focus on finding harmony within yourself, and with those around you. Emotions will be heightened, and relationships will be at the forefront of our minds.

Here are three journal prompts to help you connect with the energy of the full moon in Libra:


Connecting through Tarot

Another way to connect to the energy is to explore the benefits of tarot during this full moon in Libra. Tarot can be a powerful tool for gaining clarity and insight, and can help us navigate the energies of the season.

Here are three Tarot pull questions for you!



Brightest Blessings during this Aries Season🖤 Lia

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