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  • Writer's pictureLia

✨The Enchantment of the Litha Sun & Full Moon in Capricorn💫🌄🔆

We are now fully steeped in the energy of Litha & Summer Solstice! We also have the transformative energies of the Full Moon in Capricorn, a celestial event occurring just after Litha and the Summer Solstice on June 21st. This potent alignment brings forth energies of ambition, perseverance, and manifestation, urging us to reflect on our journey and set intentions for the future.

The Full Moon in Capricorn marks a culmination of efforts initiated six months ago during the New Moon in Capricorn. It invites us to reap the rewards of our hard work and dedication, celebrating achievements while also acknowledging the challenges that have shaped our growth.

Known as the Strawberry Moon, this lunar phase symbolizes pleasure, prosperity, and the sweetness of life's abundance. Just as strawberries ripen in the warmth of summer, we are encouraged to savor the fruits of our labor and connect deeply with the blessings that surround us.

Under the influence of Capricorn, ruled by disciplined Saturn, this Full Moon enhances our capacity for practicality, ambition, and long-term planning. It encourages us to take responsibility for our goals and aspirations, guiding us to embrace leadership roles and step into our authority.

Magickal Properties & Correspondence of this Full Moon

Colors: Deep earth tones such as black, brown & dark green resonate with the grounding energies of Capricorn. These colors symbolize stability, endurance & connection to the earth element.


  • Patchouli: Traditionally associated with Capricorn, Patchouli enhances grounding, prosperity, and manifestation.

  • Cedarwood: Promotes strength, stability, and spiritual clarity.

  • Vetiver: Aids in grounding, bringing balance and calmness during times of change.

  • Frankincense: Enhances spiritual connection, meditation, and purification.


  • Black Onyx: Known for its protective properties, Black Onyx absorbs and transforms negative energy, fostering inner strength and resilience.

  • Garnet: Aids in manifestation, vitality, and grounding one's dreams into reality.

  • Obsidian: Provides psychic protection, grounds spiritual energy & assists in releasing blockages.


  • Snapdragon: Symbolizes strength, resilience, and courage in the face of adversity.

  • Pansy: Promotes love, healing, and connection to the faery realm, enhancing spiritual growth & transformation.

Tarot Card:

  • The Devil: Represents breaking free from self-imposed limitations, embracing personal power & transforming challenges into opportunities for growth.


  • North: Aligns with the element of Earth and Capricorn's grounded, practical nature. It enhances stability, patience & perseverance in achieving long-term goals.


  • Earth: Reflects the practical, material aspects of life. During this Full Moon, connecting with the Earth element enhances grounding, stability & the manifestation of desires.

Planetary Influences:

  • Saturn: Ruler of Capricorn, Saturn brings lessons of discipline, responsibility & perseverance. It supports long-term goals, structure & authority.

Spiritual Themes:

  • Ambition and Achievement: This Full Moon encourages us to celebrate our achievements, recognize our capabilities, and set ambitious goals for the future.

  • Practicality and Discipline: Aligning with Capricorn's energy, it's a time to focus on practical actions, long-term planning & cultivating inner discipline.

Magickal Intentions:

  • Banishing self-limiting beliefs

  • Enhancing determination & perseverance

  • Manifesting stability & success in endeavors

As Venus and Mercury align in Cancer during this lunar phase, emotional sensitivity and self-nurturance are heightened. It's a time for self-reflection, nurturing our emotional well-being, and aligning our desires with our deeper truths. This alignment supports us in integrating heart-centered wisdom into our ambitions.

During the Full Moon in Capricorn, we focus on banishing self-limiting beliefs, enhancing determination, and manifesting stability & success in our endeavors. It's a powerful moment to ground our intentions in practical actions, harnessing the lunar energies to propel us towards personal & professional achievements.

Embrace rituals that honor your achievements, release what no longer serves you & set clear intentions for the future. Work with crystals like black onyx for grounding, obsidian for protection & use incense blends infused with earthy resins to enhance focus and spiritual clarity.

Divination Activity:

  • Tarot Spread: Use The Devil tarot card in a spread to explore areas of self-imposed limitation and where you need to break free to achieve your ambitions.

Journal Prompts:

  • How have my ambitions evolved since the beginning of the year?

  • What fears or doubts do I need to release to reach my goals?

  • How can I cultivate patience & perseverance in my journey?

As we gather under the Full Moon in Capricorn, let us embrace its transformative energies with gratitude & intention. May this lunar phase empower you to navigate challenges with grace, celebrate your successes & embark on new beginnings with clarity and determination.

Join me where magick meets manifestation & dreams take root under the moonlit sky!

Brightest Blessings this Litha Season💛


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