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  • Writer's pictureLia

✨🌟The Celestial Alchemy of Jupiter in Taurus! Unveiling the Secrets of Abundance✨🌟

The cosmos are aligning in a most magickal way, as Jupiter, the planet of protection, abundance, and higher learning, moved into Taurus on May 16th! This celestial shift marks the most positive astrological event of the year, offering a divine opportunity for every zodiac sign to thrive in the coming months. Taurus, ruled by Venus, the Goddess of pleasure, beckons us to embrace the enchantment of life through our five senses. During this celestial transit, let us revel in a slower pace and remember that by nurturing ourselves and our bodies, we magnetize our heart's deepest desires. As witches, we possess the power to harness the cosmic energy of Jupiter in Taurus, drawing abundance, wealth, and prosperity into our lives. This is the perfect time to perform spells focused on money, career, and material possessions.

Here are some manifestation spell ideas to ignite your magickal practice:

**Prosperity spell:** Light a green candle and envision a steady flow of wealth entering your life. You can enhance your spell work, write a check to yourself for the desired amount of money and place it in a sacred place. **Career spell:** Scribe your career aspirations on a piece of paper and lovingly place it beneath a green candle. As you ignite the candle's flame, visualize yourself confidently achieving your professional goals. Burn the paper once the candle has gone out & bury the ashes into the earth as an offering & solidifying your manifestations. **Abundance spell:** Craft an altar adorned with symbols of abundance—coins, images that resonate with you, crystals, and flowers—representing the opulence you seek. Light a candle, allowing its flickering glow to guide you into a meditation on the profound feeling of abundance. During this enchanting cosmic transit, the desire to embrace our passions will bloom as Jupiter in Taurus intertwines with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. However, remember to stay grounded and resist the allure of jealousy or power struggles. By nurturing positivity and staying true to our magical path, we can manifest our deepest desires.

Now, mark your calendar! The New Moon in Taurus enchants us with its mystical presence on May 19, 2023, at 8:53 AM PT and 11:53 AM ET. This auspicious time invites you to create a vision board, a tangible manifestation of your heart's desires, guiding you toward their fulfillment! As always, let us practice magic with intention and reverence for the natural world. May Jupiter in Taurus shower you with the blessings you truly deserve **Crystals to work with:** Jupiter in Taurus is synonymous with abundance, growth, and pleasure. To amplify these energies, we can draw strength from crystals associated with Taurus, such as: **Rose Quartz:** A gentle and healing crystal that nurtures self-love and self-respect, opening the path to abundance. **Green Aventurine:** Known as the "stone of opportunity," this crystal attracts wealth and prosperity, guiding us toward a prosperous future. **Blue Kyanite:** A powerful crystal aiding manifestation and communication, ensuring our desires are clearly conveyed to the universe. Feel free to incorporate these crystals into your magickal practice during the Jupiter in Taurus transit to enhance its enchanting effects.

**Herbs to work with:* To further align ourselves with the abundant energies of Jupiter in Taurus, let us embrace the herbal wisdom bestowed upon us. While there isn't specific information on herbs associated with this celestial event, we draw inspiration from Taurus plants and herbs that are often soothing to the throat and have a calming effect on the mind. **Taurus herbs** include borage, hawthorn, motherwort, rosemary, celandine, mint, lavender, parsley, dill, fennel, chamomile, St. John's wort, angelica, eyebright, anise, ginger, and saffron. These herbal allies can be incorporated into your magickal workings during the Jupiter in Taurus transit to enhance your connection with abundance, growth, and pleasure. Let their aromatic essence guide you on a journey of earthly enchantment. In addition, some herbs that can be used to enhance the energy of Jupiter include sage, clove, and nutmeg. These herbs can be consumed in your daily diet or utilized in spell work to effortlessly strengthen your connection with Jupiter's expansive energy.

Remember, the power lies within, you Goddess! To manifest your heart's desires and embrace the bountiful blessings that Jupiter in Taurus bestows upon us. Trust in your own magick, honor the natural world, and let the enchantment of herbs and crystals guide your path.

Wishing you an abundant and magickal journey during this celestial transit. May your spells be potent, your intentions pure, and your manifestations fruitful. ✨Brightest Blessings✨ Lia

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