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🌟 The Busy Witch Box Guide to Harnessing the Lions Gate Portal Energy 🌟

Greetings, Witches!

As we approach the peak time of the Lions Gate Portal, let us embark on a wondrous journey together. A journey that will empower and uplift us, connecting us to the boundless star power energy that this celestial event bestows upon us.

In wanting to provide complimentary access to tools for your practice, allow me to share some insight into the Lions Gate Portal and guide you on how to tap into its radiant magick.

✨Embracing the Lions Gate Portal: A Dance with Sirius✨

Each year, from around July 26 to August 12, the Lions Gate Portal swings open its celestial doors, allowing us to bask in the embrace of star power energy. The crowning jewel of this cosmic celebration is the heliacal rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens. As Sirius gracefully ascends above the eastern horizon just before sunrise, it heralds a time of profound transformation and empowerment. Let us now delve into the heart of this cosmic dance and explore how to best harness its energy.

Sirius: The Star of Legends and Blessings

Legend has woven tales of Sirius, the star of untold blessings—wealth, honor, passion, and creative prowess. Just as in ancient Egypt, when Sirius' rise heralded the fertile waters of the Nile, our Lions Gate Portal opens pathways to accelerated ascension and profound shifts. It magnifies our intentions, propelling them with intensified energy toward manifestation. To harness this energy, align your thoughts with your desires, for the power of creation is magnified during this time.

✨The Potent Power of Infinity and 8/8✨

The pinnacle of the Lions Gate's potency arrives on the eighth day of the eighth month—8/8—a date brimming with the energy of balance and equalization. The number 8 holds the keys to harmony and alignment across all realms. As you engage with this energy, shed that which tips the scales away from balance. Envision the infinity symbol, a figure-eight on its side, representing limitless power and eternal existence. It is said that, like our DNA structure, it contains codes that are accessible during the Lions Gate opening. Meditate upon this symbol to unlock the secrets held within.

✨Leo: Child of the Sun and Divine Expression✨

During this unique, energetic time, the Sun resides in Leo, the Child of the Sun. With pride, purpose, and passion, Leo ignites the fires of creativity within us all. The Lions Gate beckons us to awaken our inner Divinity, embracing our goddess-selves in all their glory. As you step through the portal, feel the radiant energy of Leo infusing you with resilience and life force. Allow your heart to guide you, for Leo rules this vital center. Embrace your brilliance and let it shine forth.

✨Ignite Your Solar Plexus Superpower✨

The Lions Gate Portal places a spotlight on the Solar Plexus Chakra—the seat of your personal power. Situated just above the navel, this chakra governs confidence, self-control, and willpower. As you tap into the Lions Gate energy, amplify these qualities within yourself. Visualize a blazing sun within your Solar Plexus, radiating confidence and willpower. Invoke the energy of Leo to infuse you with the strength to manifest your desires and create a life of abundance.

✨Rituals and Practices for Lions Gate Empowerment✨

Ah, the sacred rituals of the Lions Gate Portal—a gateway to divine empowerment and transformation. During this celestial event, Solitary Witch Practitioners can harness the potent energies to amplify their intentions and connect with the cosmic forces at play. Let us delve deeper into some powerful Lions Gate Portal rituals to embrace this enchanting time fully:

1. Lions Gate Altar: Create an altar dedicated to the Lions Gate Portal. Include symbols of Sirius, the infinity symbol, and representations of Leo. Incorporate the color Gold in candles, Altar Cloth, bowls, and anything that resonates with you. Charge this sacred space with your intentions for accelerated manifestation and empowerment.

2. Lions Gate Meditation:

Prepare a quiet, sacred space where you can sit comfortably. Light a metallic gold, golden, or white candle to represent the radiant energy of the Lions Gate. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, grounding yourself. Envision a majestic golden gateway before you, adorned with the infinity symbol. Step through it, feeling the warm embrace of Sirius' starlight surrounding you. Explore the realms of your desires and aspirations, seeking guidance from higher realms. Embrace the blessings of abundance, empowerment, and creativity that flow to you during this sacred journey.

3. Infinity Symbol Spell:

The infinity symbol holds boundless power and represents the eternal cycles of life. Craft a spell using the infinity symbol as a focal point. Draw the symbol on a piece of paper or carve it into a candle. Place crystals associated with manifestation, such as citrine and clear quartz, around the symbol. As you work with the spell, visualize your desires manifesting and multiplying infinitely. Release the spell's energy into the Universe, knowing that it will continue to work your magick beyond the boundaries of time and space.

🌟 **Infinity Symbol Celestial Spell Incantation** 🌟

In the boundless realms of infinite grace,

I stand before the cosmic embrace.

With this symbol of eternity, I weave my desire,

Calling forth the magic that never tires.

Infinity's power, a tapestry of light,

Weave my intentions in day and night.

Like the stars that twinkle in the night's abyss,

Manifest my dreams with a timeless kiss.

As above, so below, the cycles intertwine,

With this spell, my desires align.

Let each wish ripple, never to cease,

Multiplying, manifesting, bringing peace.

Through time and space, my intentions fly,

Forever reaching toward the sky.

Infinity's dance, a dance of might,

As I speak, so shall it be this night.

With gratitude and love, my spell's work done,

From this point forth, my desires are won.

I thank the Universe, the stars above,

As I embrace the infinite power of love.

By the power that courses through me,

This spell is cast,

So Mote it Be!


3. Leo's Flame of Creation: Light a gold or orange candle, representing Leo's fiery energy. As it burns, meditate on what you wish to create or manifest. Let the flame ignite your passion and determination. What do you see? Is there an image in the flame that ‘speaks’ to you? What message is coming through?

4. Solar Plexus Activation Ceremony:

Since the Lions Gate energy is closely linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra, a ritual to activate and balance this chakra can be profoundly transformative. Sit or lie down comfortably, placing a citrine or sunstone crystal on your Solar Plexus (above your navel & below your sternum). Close your eyes and breathe deeply, envisioning the Solar Plexus as a radiant sun within you. As you breathe, imagine the sun growing brighter and stronger, infusing you with unwavering confidence and willpower. Visualize this empowered energy radiating throughout your entire being, aligning you with the Lions Gate's fierce determination to manifest your desires.

5. Celestial Vision Board Creation:

Craft a vision board with a celestial theme, incorporating images of Sirius, the infinity symbol, and the Lion's Gate energy. Add pictures that represent your aspirations, dreams, and intentions. Place the vision board on your Lions Gate altar or sacred space, infusing it with the energy of your desires. Spend time each day meditating upon the vision board, visualizing your goals coming to fruition. Your Lions Gate Altar may be modified or taken down after August 12th. Use your intuition to guide your Divine timing.

✨Affirmations of Empowerment✨

Empowered by Sirius' Starlight, I Embrace Abundance:

During the Lions Gate Portal, I open my heart to the energy of Sirius' starlight. I am a magnet for abundance in all aspects of my life—financial, emotional, and spiritual. With each breath, I inhale the limitless energy of the cosmos, allowing prosperity and wealth to flow effortlessly into my reality. I am empowered by the Universe, and my intentions manifest with effortless flow & light.

So Mote it Be.

I Embody the Radiant Spirit of Leo's Flame:

As the Sun shines in Leo's realm during the Lions Gate, I embrace my inner brilliance and Divine expression. Like Leo's fiery spirit, I radiate confidence, creativity, and strength in all that I do. I am the creator of my reality, and I fearlessly step into my power, living from my heart center with unwavering courage. I ignite the flames of passion within me, inspiring others to shine their light as well.

So Mote it Be.

Infinite Power Unleashed, My Desires Take Flight:

With the power of the infinity symbol, I unleash the infinite potential within me. Like the cycles of the cosmos above & the earth below, my intentions are ever-flowing, reaching far beyond the limits of time and space. I am a co-creator with the universe, and my dreams manifest effortlessly and harmoniously. Each step I take leads me closer to my desires, guided by the cosmic forces at play during the Lions Gate Portal.

So Mote it Be.

*Repeat these affirmations daily (or craft your own) during the Lions Gate Portal, allowing their potent energy to infuse your consciousness and align your intentions with the cosmic energies at play.

✨Closing Thoughts: Stepping into your Infinite Potential✨

As we step through the portal, be mindful that we are not passive spectators, but active participants in this celestial event. The Lions Gate Portal is a mirror reflecting our inner power, our deepest desires, and our boundless potential. It beckons us to cast aside self-doubt, for within us lies a reservoir of strength and creativity waiting to be unleashed.

Embracing the Lions Gate energy is an act of self-empowerment, a declaration that we are ready to embody our truest selves. Just as Sirius rises with purpose above the horizon, so too shall we rise above challenges, above limitations, and above our own inhibitions. Let the energy of Leo infuse us with courage and authenticity, inspiring us to lead with our hearts and to honor the Divine flame within.

The Lions Gate Portal is not a destination; it is a catalyst for our continued growth and evolution. As we move forward, let us carry with us the lessons learned, the intentions set, and the magick woven during this celestial event.

You are choosing to step into the realm of infinite potential. As you embrace the Lions Gate's radiant energy, let it work within your own energetic compass to guide & empower you, and illuminate your path, navigating the ever-unfolding tapestry of your life.

May your magickal journey be as boundless as the stars,


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