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🔮Sirius Gateway Portal 777

✨ Sirius Gateway Tarot Spread ✨

As the celestial energies of the Sirius Gateway envelope us, we embark on a magickal journey of stellar divination. This Tarot spread is designed to align with the transformative power of this celestial event, offering insights and guidance as we navigate the cosmic currents.

With Tarot being my 'Divination of choice', I wanted to create a spread that can shed some light on this magickal gateway (7-7-7) 2023 defines the last 7 making this a powerful week! So let's get started! Above you can see an example of this Tarot spread as I did for myself. You can use this as your guide with how to lay your cards as they are chosen.

Prepare your Tarot deck, light a white candle, and open your heart to the wisdom of the stars.

🌟 Card 1: Sirius Activation

This card represents the energies of the Sirius Gateway that are currently influencing your life. What aspects of your spiritual journey are being illuminated? How can you tap into the heightened frequencies of this celestial event?

🌟 Card 2: Messages from the Stars

This card reveals the messages and guidance that the stars wish to impart upon you during this gateway. What insights or wisdom do they have to offer? How can you align your intentions with the cosmic forces at play?

🌟 Card 3: Spiritual Awakening

This card sheds light on the areas of your life that are ready to experience a spiritual awakening during the Sirius Gateway. How can you nurture your spiritual growth and expand your consciousness at this time? What practices or areas of focus will support your awakening?

🌟 Card 4: Transformation and Liberation

This card explores the transformative energies present in your life during this celestial event. What aspects of your life are ready to be released and transformed? How can you embrace change and find liberation in your journey?

🌟 Card 5: Creative Inspiration

This card unveils the creative inspiration that the Sirius Gateway brings into your life. How can you tap into your creative potential and express your true self? What projects or endeavors will be supported and inspired by the cosmic energies?

🌟 Card 6: Higher Intuition

This card reveals how the heightened frequencies of the Sirius Gateway can enhance your intuition and psychic abilities. How can you deepen your connection to your inner wisdom and intuition? What steps can you take to trust and follow your intuitive guidance more fully?

🌟 Card 7: Manifestation and Abundance

This card explores the opportunities for manifestation and abundance that the Sirius Gateway brings into your life. How can you harness the cosmic energies to manifest your desires? What areas of your life are ready to experience greater abundance and prosperity?

🌟 Card 8: Divine Guidance and Protection

This card represents the divine guidance and protection that surround you during this celestial event. What messages or guidance are your spirit guides, angels, or higher self offering you? How can you trust in their support and allow their presence to guide your path?

🌟 Card 9: Integration and Grounding

This card signifies the importance of integrating and grounding the energies of the Sirius Gateway into your daily life. How can you anchor these transformative energies into your physical reality? What practices or rituals will help you stay connected to the wisdom of the stars as you navigate your earthly journey?

🌟 Card 10: Cosmic Blessings

This final card represents the cosmic blessings bestowed upon you during the Sirius Gateway. What blessings, gifts, or opportunities are being offered by the universe at this time? How can you embrace and receive these blessings with open arms?

Open your heart, shuffle the cards, and let the Tarot unveil the cosmic wisdom and guidance that awaits you during the Sirius Gateway. May this Stellar Divination activity illuminate your path and empower you on your magickal journey.

Blessed be, as you navigate the cosmic currents with the Tarot as your guide.✨🔮💫

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