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  • Writer's pictureLia


Greetings Witches!

Today I want to share a few secrets of herb pairing for maximum potency in your spells & rituals. Over the years, I've learned that the combination of herbs can make all the difference!

I believe my first "Aha!" moment came when I read "Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs" by Scott Cunningham. Yes, the one from the 80's 🤣The Table of Correspondences in the book started me on my love of herbs & experimenting with different combinations over the years.

So, I hope this blog provides you with a few valuable tips on how to create your own blends that can elevate your practice. If you don't have a mortar & pestle, put it on your list 💚


Using herb combinations can enhance the potency & effectiveness of a spell, as well as provide a deeper connection to the energies & spirits involved.




Herb pairing is an ancient practice that continues to be used in modern witchcraft. By combining herbs with complementary properties, we can enhance the potency of our spells & create a wider range of magical effects. Consider experimenting with herb pairing in your own practice and remember to always use them

responsibly & with respect.

So go for it! Try some combinations that you wouldn't have thought of before. What do you want from your spell? What do you need to invoke the desired outcome? Do your research & find the specific herbs that correspond.

Brightest Blessings✨Lia

PS! Beltane Ritual Sabbat Boxes are available for a few more days🔥🌿🔆


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