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  • Writer's pictureLia

✨Ready for a Breakthrough? Why the Mars-Uranus Conjunction may be the Astrological Event of the Year!✨

Hey Magickal Friends!

It's been an extremely busy summer & to add to it, we just had a baby born into the family💗. I'm behind on literally EVERYTHING! But, I really felt we needed to cover this upcoming conjunction on Monday. A significant astrological event approaches! So hang on as this is

one that promises to awaken our core & may shake the foundation of our spirits. On July 15th, Mars, the fiery planet of action & desire, aligns with Uranus, the revolutionary harbinger of change, at 26 degrees in the stable, earthy sign of Taurus. This conjunction is not just a celestial event; it is a dance of dynamic energies that beckons us to embrace the unexpected and ignite transformation in our lives.

The Role of Uranus is as The Great Awakener in Taurus

In the lush fields of Taurus, a sign that craves stability and pleasure, Uranus acts as the Great Awakener (since 2018). This celestial giant has been reshaping our understanding of security, wealth, and values, from the explosion of digital currencies to the rise of sustainable living. Uranus in Taurus disrupts to rebuild, challenging us to reconsider what we value and why, pushing boundaries towards greater authenticity and liberation from outdated systems.

Mars in Taurus Represents The Flame of Desire and Determination

Mars visits each sign biennially, and its journey through Taurus energizes our actions with a deliberate and sensual vigor. Known for its determination, Taurus channels Mars’ fiery energy into persistent pursuits, favoring actions that yield substantial and enduring outcomes. However, Mars feels restrained in Taurus, as the sign’s Venusian influence tempers Mars’ instinctual drive with a slower, more considered pace.

The Conjunction: A Fusion of Fire and Earth

On July 15th, when Mars meets Uranus, they fuse fire with earth, passion with purpose, creating a potent mix that can both construct and destruct. This alignment is a cosmic call to action—urging us to break free from the shackles of complacency & dare to redefine our paths. It’s an invitation to revolutionize not just our external circumstances but also our internal landscapes.

Potential & Possible Perils

This conjunction is inherently defiant, challenging us to assert our individuality & autonomy in the face of collective norms. It’s a time when sudden insights may lead to abrupt changes, particularly in areas related to Taurus such as finances, material possessions, and personal values. The courage to make pivotal changes could lead to innovative ways of improving our quality of life.

However, Mars’ proximity to Uranus can also heighten impulsivity and risk-taking, making this period potentially volatile. The energy is electric, possibly sparking sudden conflicts or accidents if not navigated with awareness. Therefore, it is wise to channel this energy constructively rather than reactively, to harness the transformative potential without the chaos.

Magickal Musings for Each Zodiac Sign

As we approach this powerful conjunction, consider the areas in your life where you’ve felt stuck or too comfortable. Reflect on how you can initiate meaningful changes (the moon is waxing, a good time for this). Here’s a brief magickal guide for each zodiac sign to harness this energy:

  • Aries: Reevaluate your financial strategies and explore new avenues for income.

  • Taurus: Embrace personal reinvention; it's time for a radical new self-image.

  • Gemini: Unlock secrets within; spiritual breakthroughs are on the horizon.

  • Cancer: Connect with your community; unexpected alliances may form.

  • Leo: Career changes beckon; step into a role you never imagined.

  • Virgo: Break free from outdated beliefs; embrace new philosophies of living.

  • Libra: Detach from dependencies; find strength in self-sufficiency.

  • Scorpio: Relationships may shift dramatically; be open to new dynamics.

  • Sagittarius: Transform your daily routines; innovative health practices could arise.

  • Capricorn: Reignite your creative spark; unexpected projects could prove fruitful.

  • Aquarius: Home and family life may undergo changes; adapt to new domestic dynamics.

  • Pisces: Communicate boldly; your words have the power to shift perceptions.

Breakthrough Spell

One of my favorites as a courage spell, this spell aims to harness the bold energies of Mars to break through personal barriers and embrace the changes brought by Uranus.

Items needed:

  • A red candle (for Mars energy)

  • A piece of aquamarine and/or labradorite (stones of courage and transformation)

  • A piece of paper and pen


  1. Write down a personal barrier or area where you desire change on the piece of paper.

  2. Place the candle and the stone (s) on your altar or a fire safe, sacred space.

  3. Light the candle and focus on the flame. Visualize your barrier breaking down & imagine yourself stepping into a new phase of life with confidence.

  4. Hold the stone in your hand & speak your intention out loud to embrace change & invite transformation.

  5. Burn the piece of paper with the flame of the red candle (safely in your cauldron or fireproof vessel), symbolizing the destruction of obstacles.

  6. Carry the stone with you or place it under your bed on 'your' side until the changes manifest.

Financial Stability & Innovation Spell

Here is a simple ingredient spell that magickally goes a long way!

Since the conjunction occurs in Taurus, a sign associated with finances stability, this spell focuses on financial innovation & becoming (or remaining) stable with your finances.


  • Green candle (for prosperity and stability)

  • Citrine crystal (for wealth and abundance)

  • Basil leaves (for financial success)


  1. Set up your altar with the green candle at the center, surrounded by basil leaves and the citrine crystal.

  2. Light the candle, and as it burns, meditate on your financial goals and what innovation means in the context of your financial life.

  3. Recite Stability transforms, abundance flows, I embrace the new financial doors that now open. Rooted in prosperity, my wealth now grows. Unseen paths to success are now awoken.

4. Let the candle burn out safely. Keep the citrine crystal in your wallet or purse, and sprinkle the basil leaves at the entrance of your home to attract prosperity.

Embrace Change Ritual Bath

A ritual bath to help cleanse old energies and embrace the unexpected changes brought by Uranus, promoting personal liberation.


  • Epsom salts or sea salt

  • Essential oils of peppermint (just a tiny bit as this is a 'hot' oil) & eucalyptus (for cleansing & invigoration)

  • Fresh or dried rosemary (for purification, protection & clarity)

  • Amethyst crystal (for protection and transformation)


  1. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add Epsom salts or sea salt.

  2. Add a few drops of peppermint and eucalyptus oil to the bathwater. Also add your Rosemary sprigs.

  3. Place the amethyst crystal nearby or float it in a safe container in the bath.

  4. Soak in the bath, relax & meditate on releasing the old and welcoming new changes. Visualize the water absorbing your fears & the crystal amplifying your intention to transform. Express your intentions out loud. Recite,

Waters of time, gentle and deep,

Absorb now the fears that I shall not keep.

Rosemary's whisper, I'm enveloped in a protective space

As I Clear the path, my spirit's embraced.

Amethyst guardian, stone of change,

Magnify my will, the energies arrange.

From roots to heart, from heart to crown,

Transformation's begun, barriers down.

By this bath, my intentions set free,

As I will it, so mote it be

5.After your bath, you'll be ready for your new challenges & opportunities.

Celestial Musings

A point to consider, as Mars conjuncts Uranus in the grounding sign of Taurus, the most profound transformations often start with a single, bold step (why do I feel as if I just channeled Dumbledore with that thought🤣).

Embrace the energies of change & let them guide you toward the unexpected paths that await. Let the magick of the cosmos inspire you to create, challenge & change with courage & conviction.

May you boldly navigate the transformative energies of the upcoming Mars-Uranus conjunction💫

Thank you for being here & a part of this community🖤

With love & magick!


PS. We have our Bundle promotion going on right now. Purchase the Lammas, Mabon, & Samhain 3 Box Bundle and receive your Yule Sabbat Box Free! Just add the Individual Sabbat Box - Yule to your cart with the 'Bundle' and the discount is automatically applied🌙


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