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🍁Preparing for Mabon & the Autumn Equinox Magick 🍁

Hello my Witchy Friends!

I'm thrilled to share the upcoming Sabbat of Mabon with you. As September's 19th sun gently kisses the Earth, we are on the brink of the magical autumn equinox at Mabon. This is a time of balance, a harmonious dance between light and dark, when we celebrate the bountiful harvest and prepare to journey into the depths of the coming dark season. So, grab your cauldrons, light your candles, and let's dive into the magick of Mabon!

Mabon Correspondences and Magickal Properties

Before we get into the essence of Mabon, let's familiarize ourselves with some of the correspondences and magickal properties of the Sabbat


Deep reds, oranges, browns, and purples.


Amethyst, citrine, aventurine,

carnelian, tigers eye, and garnet.


Sage, thyme, mugwort, cedar, frankincense, wormwood, juniper, cinnamon, marjoram, and rosemary.


Apples, pomegranates, nuts, wine and squash.

Symbols: Cornucopia, grapes, pinecones, acorns, and the harvest moon.

Tarot Card:

The High Priestess (II) -The High Priestess card can symbolize the balance between light and dark, the conscious and unconscious, which is a central theme of Mabon. It encourages introspection and tapping into one's inner wisdom.

Mabon is a time of balance, where the length of day and night is equal.

It's the perfect moment to reflect on the balance within ourselves and the world around us.

Mabon's energy is potent, and it's a magical season to cultivate balance, harmony, and inner growth. Whether you're baking the below recipe as an offering, crafting a talisman, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the changing leaves, may your Mabon be filled with enchantment and wonder.

Mabon offering: Pumpkin Bread with a Honey Glaze


Pumpkin Bread:- 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour * 1 tsp baking soda * 1/2 tsp salt * 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon * 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg * 1/4 tsp ground cloves * 1/4 tsp ground allspice * 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened * 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar * 2 large eggs * 1 cup canned pumpkin puree * - 1/2 cup buttermilk * 1 tsp vanilla extract

Honey Glaze: 1/2 cup powdered sugar * 2 tbsp honey * 1-2 tbsp milk (adjust for desired consistency)


Pumpkin Bread:

1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour a 9x5-inch loaf pan.

2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, and spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice).

3. In a separate large bowl, cream together the softened butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

4. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the pumpkin puree.

5. Mix in the dry ingredients alternately with the buttermilk until just combined.

6. Stir in the vanilla extract.

7. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan and smooth the top.

8. Bake in the preheated oven for 60-70 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

9. Allow the bread to cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then transfer it to a wire rack to cool completely.

Honey Glaze:

1. In a small bowl, whisk together the powdered sugar, honey, and 1 tablespoon of milk.

2. Add more milk if needed to achieve your desired glaze consistency.

3. Drizzle the honey glaze over the cooled pumpkin bread.

This Pumpkin Bread with a Honey Glaze is a perfect Mabon offering. It honors the season with the earthy flavors of pumpkin and the sweetness of honey. The spices also invoke the cozy, autumn vibes associated with Mabon.

This Pumpkin Bread with a Honey Glaze is a sublime offering, steeped in the magickal essence of Mabon. It pays homage to the season with the earthy richness of pumpkin, the comforting sweetness of honey, and a blend of enchanting spices. Cinnamon, with its potency, protection, and prosperity, adds a fiery spark to your ritual. Nutmeg brings forth a passionate energy, kindling the flames of your intentions. Cloves, known for their potent protective qualities, shield you from negativity, while allspice bolsters courage and determination.

Together, these spices dance with the element of fire, igniting both your physical and mental activity. They banish negativity from your sacred space and provide a strong foundation for defensive magic. As you savor this delectable creation during your Mabon celebration, let its magical properties infuse your being, empowering your rituals and enhancing your connection to the season's energy.

Balance and Harmony Talisman

Crafting a talisman is a powerful way to connect with the energies of Mabon. Let's create!


- A small piece of amethyst

- A charm or pendant representing balance, depending on your personal path, this can be a Triple Goddess symbol, an Ankh, a yin-yang symbol, Tree of Life, or the Libra symbol.

- A length of purple (orange works as well)

- A small dish of salt


1. Begin by cleansing your materials with moon water, a sprinkle of salt, or a smoke cleanse. Add your words of intention.

2. Hold the amethyst in your hand and envision balance and harmony infusing your life.

3. Attach the charm or pendant to the ribbon.

4. Hold your talisman to your heart chakra, recite your intention, and charge it with the energy of Mabon.

5. Tie the ribbon around the crystal, creating a loop for wearing or a simple knot signifying sealing your intentions.

6. Wear this or place it on your Altar during your Mabon ritual to amplify your connection to the equinox's energy.

Activities That Can Be Performed on Mabon

  1. Divination with Autumn Leaves: Head outdoors and collect a handful of vibrant autumn leaves. Each leaf can represent a specific question or area of your life. Meditate on your questions, then cast the leaves, noting their patterns and positions to gain insights into your inquiries.

  2. Moonlit Meditation: As the moon graces the night sky, perform a moonlit meditation. Find a quiet spot outdoors or by a window where you can see the moon. Meditate on the balance between light and dark in your life, seeking guidance and clarity.

  3. Altar Set Up w/ Herb and Crystal Correspondence: Decorate your Altar to reflect the herbs and crystals associated with Mabon. Create a meaningful altar arrangement using these correspondences, and meditate on the energy they bring to your ritual space.

  4. Ancestor Communication: Set up an ancestor altar with photographs or mementos of your ancestors. Light candles and incense, inviting their presence.

  5. Free Form Journal: to connect with your ancestors and seek their wisdom and guidance during this transitional time. Allow your thoughts to flow freely onto the pages. Write whatever comes to mind without judgment or censorship. If you have specific questions or concerns, write them down. Let your words and feelings flow naturally.

  6. Personal Harvest Basket: As a symbol of your personal harvest, gather items that represent your accomplishments and personal growth over the year. Place them in a special basket or box as a visual reminder of your achievements.

  7. Seasonal Foraging: Go on a foraging adventure in nature, collecting items like acorns, pinecones, or fallen leaves. Use these natural treasures to craft talismans or decorations for your Mabon altar.

  8. Shadow Work Ritual: Mabon's balance between light and dark makes it an ideal time for Shadow Work. Perform a ritual to explore and confront aspects of yourself that you'd like to transform or heal. Journal your insights and set intentions for personal growth.

  9. Harvest Feast for One: Prepare a lavish feast using seasonal ingredients like squash, apples, and nuts. Set a beautiful table, light candles, and dine in solitary celebration, savoring each bite mindfully.

  10. Create a Mabon Wand: Craft a wand from natural materials like birch, apple, willow, or oak. Decorate it with symbols and colors representing the equinox energies. Use your wand in rituals and spells throughout the season.

  11. Tarot or Oracle Card Ritual: Conduct a special Mabon tarot or oracle card reading. Create a spread that reflects the themes of balance, gratitude, and transition, and seek guidance for the season ahead.

As we step into the dark season, Mabon reminds us that there is beauty in both light and shadow. Take this time to go within, explore your own balance, and prepare for the inner journey ahead. Perform a ritual that aligns with your personal beliefs, expressing gratitude for the harvest, and setting intentions for the coming months.

Brightest Blessings on your journey this dark season✨

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