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Oneiromancy-Dream Divination: Elements of the Mystical Syncronicity of your Dreams

Onieromancy is the art of interpreting dreams. Personal dreams. Based on the belief that our dreams are messages sent to our soul by our ancestors or the gods, many times as warnings to us.

This form of divination goes back to ancient Greece. There are references dating back to 2nd Century AD. Prophetic divination has been considered a divine act in most ancient cultures.

As a child, dreaming was an escape. If I had a problem, I would tell myself that I'd dream the answer. It has worked my whole life!

Because Oneicromancy is based on self analysis, our dreams contain imagery and symbolism that can only be revealed to ourselves. As unique as we are, who better to 'see' the meaning of the dreams than oneself?

So how does one begin practicing this form of divination? Here is a step by step to get started.

  • Designate a notebook that will be your dream journal. Your first writings should be recalling as many past dreams that you can remember. Are there any symbols or themes that stand out? Recurring signs, patterns that are brought to light? Write any correlations that you discover, any symbols that you believe have meaning.

  • Next, begin tracking your dreams daily. Upon waking, immediately write in your journal. While still in this frame of mind, you will be able to recollect details that may be lost later in the day.

  • Look for elements in your dreams that correlate. Can you interpret the meaning of the symbols, spaces, surroundings in your dreams? What is jumping out at you?

If you are having difficulty putting pieces together & are not finding interwoven meaning, find some resource materials that cover 'over reaching' interpretations. Research "dream interpretation symbols" online or purchase a book that can give you a place to springboard from.

To aid in your Divination practice, here is a tea recipe I created based on the magickal properties of each ingredient:

The Witches Sight



✨1 part Mugwort

✨ 2 part Rooibos loose leaf tea

✨.25 part Eyebright

✨ 1 part Rose Hips

✨ .5 part Lemon

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