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🌙 New Moon Magick in Capricorn! Set Forth on a New Journey in 2024

Greetings, my Magickal Friends!

As we step into the energy of the New Moon in Capricorn, the cosmos align to usher in a time of profound manifestation and achievement. In the realm of witchcraft, this celestial event provides a powerful opportunity to work our craft for success, stability, and transformation. What an enchanting moon for the first of the year! Let's embrace the energy & manifest for the coming season✨

 A Few Correspondences for the Capricorn New Moon

Crystals: Obsidian, Garnet, Smoky Quartz

Herbs: Comfrey, Patchouli, Thyme

Colors: Deep Brown, Dark Green, Charcoal Gray

Tarot Card: The Devil

Element: Earth

Spellwork and Ritual Ideas

1. Manifestation Candle Ritual: Light a green, black or brown candle symbolizing grounding energy. As it burns, visualize your goals manifesting. Carve symbols of success on the candle and anoint it with a blend of cinnamon, patchouli and frankincense oils.

2. Prosperity Charm Bag: Create a charm bag using a green or brown pouch. Fill it with herbs like basil, bay and cinnamon for prosperity, along with a small citrine crystal. Carry it with you to attract financial opportunities.

3. Career Vision Board: Craft a vision board aligning with your professional goals. Cut out images, words, and symbols that resonate with the success you desire. Place it on your altar, charging it under this New Moon energy.

This New Moon is here to guide you on a path of success, stability, and personal growth. Embrace the opportunities that unfold and let the magick within you flourish.

New Moon Invocation for Capricorn Magick

By the power of the New Moon's gentle glow,

In the realm of Capricorn, where seeds of ambition sow,

I call upon the Earth, steadfast and sure,

Grant me strength and stability to endure.

Disciplined Capricorn, with your determined might,

I seek your guidance on this mystical night.

As the Moon waxes, so too shall my dreams,

Manifesting in reality, or so it seems.

Oh, Earthly element, sturdy and strong,

Infuse my intentions, where they truly belong.

With crystals and herbs, I create my spell,

In your grounded energy, I eternally dwell.

Tarot's Devil, guardian of transformation,

Guide me through this magickal foundation.

Under the New Moon, I carve my fate,

Success and prosperity, I now initiate.

Elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire,

Witness my journey, as I aim higher.

As Mercury and Venus join this cosmic dance,

In the Universe's plan, I take my chance.

Bless this path, both ambitious and true,

With each step, my dreams I pursue.

Under the Capricorn New Moon's gentle gleam,

So mote it be, as I dream, so I deem.

Enhancing Your Invocation:

1. Casting a Sacred Circle: Before reciting the invocation, cast a sacred circle to create a space of heightened magickal energy. Visualize a protective barrier surrounding you, connecting you to the energies of the Earth and the cosmos.

2. Offerings to Earth: As you recite the invocation, place offerings of salt, soil, or stones on your altar. These gifts symbolize your connection to the Earth element and express your gratitude for its support.

3. Moonlit Meditation: Perform the invocation under the moonlit sky or in a room where the moon's energy can be felt. Meditate on the intentions you've set forth, envisioning them coming to fruition as the Moon waxes and your magick intensifies.

Journal Prompts for Lunar Exploration

1. Unveil Your Ambitions: What ambitious goals and intentions are you ready to set forth during this new lunar cycle? Write down your visions for professional growth, financial success, and personal achievements.

2. Embrace Accountability: In the spirit of Capricorn's disciplined energy, reflect on your sense of responsibility and accountability. How can you build structures and systems in your life that support your magical journey and overall growth?

3. Soul Evolution Reflection: Dive deep into the realms of your soul. What aspects of your spiritual self are ready for evolution and transformation? Explore the dreams and desires that align with your soul's purpose.

May this New Moon in Capricorn bring forth the manifestations of your dreams!

Brightest Blessings🌙



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