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✨New Moon in Cancer: Embrace the Nurturing Depths✨

Welcome, Witchy Friends!

As we gather under the watchful gaze of the New Moon in the tender sign of Cancer, I invite you to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. This blog will serve as your guiding light, illuminating the correspondences, magickal properties, an invocation, and a spell to help you harness the potent energies of this celestial event. Let's dive into the nurturing depths of the New Moon in Cancer together!


- Astrological Sign: Cancer

- Element: Water

- Colors: Silvery white, sea green, and soft blue

- Gemstones: Moonstone, clear Quartz, pearl, aquamarine, and emerald

- Herbs: Jasmine, chamomile, blue lotus, lemon balm, and yarrow

- Tarot Card: The Chariot

- Planetary Ruler: The Moon

Magickal Properties:

The New Moon in Cancer beckons us to focus on our domestic lives and cultivate emotional security. It opens a gateway to manifesting new beginnings, creating long-term ventures, and embracing profound transformations. This lunar phase holds within it the power to nurture our loved ones, build a harmonious sanctuary, and strengthen our bonds of love and protection. Allow the gentle tides of Cancer to guide you on this sacred journey.


As the New Moon approaches, find solace in a tranquil space where you can connect with the mystical energies. Ignite a silvery white or blue candle and invoke the spirits of the Moon and the energy of Cancer:

Divine Selene, embodiment of radiant femininity,

I beseech your ethereal presence on this sacred night.

Envelop me in your nurturing embrace, guiding my spirit

through the depths of transformation and rebirth.

As Cancerian power, guardian of the watery depths,

I seek your wisdom and emotional strength.

Grant me the courage to embrace new beginnings,

And shower me with your tender care and compassion.

As the Moon waxes and wanes, so too shall I grow,

Aligned with the ebb and flow of the cosmic flow.

With gratitude and reverence, I honor this sacred moment,

Blessed be!

Spell for Solitary Practitioners: Nurturing Sanctuary

This simple spell requires few supplies & harnesses the New Moon in Cancer's energy to manifest a harmonious and secure domestic environment. Gather the following items:

- A small bowl of water (moon water is ideal)

- Moonstone, Clear Quartz or Pearl (as a conduit for lunar energies)

- Fresh jasmine or chamomile flowers

- A silver or white candle

1. Find a tranquil space where you can focus without interruption. Place the bowl of water in front of you and light the candle.

2. Take the crystal that resonates with you in your hands and close your eyes. Visualize the energy of the New Moon infusing the stone with potent intentions for your home and family life. Feel the nurturing and protective vibrations radiating from it.

3. Place the crystal into the bowl of water, saying:

With this sacred stone, I call forth the blessings of the Moon,

Infuse my home with love and harmony, a nurturing cocoon.

As the waters cleanse and soothe, so shall my troubles fade,

Under this New Moon’s gentle guidance, a secure foundation is laid.

4. Scatter the fresh jasmine or chamomile flowers over the water, symbolizing the blooming of domestic happiness and tranquility. Envision your home filled with warmth, joy, and unity, cocooned in the sacred energy of the New Moon.

5. Allow the candle to burn for as long as it feels right, focusing on the flame's radiant glow. Immerse yourself in the vision of your living space transformed into a sanctuary of love, security, and understanding.

6. When you are ready, extinguish the candle and express your gratitude to the Goddess Selene in her Cancerian energies for her blessings. Pour the water outside, returning its energy to the Earth. Keep the moonstone or pearl with you or place it in a prominent spot in your home as a talisman of the spell's manifestation.

May the New Moon in Cancer illuminate your path, nurturing your dreams and guiding you towards a harmonious existence. Trust in the ebb and flow of the cosmic currents, and embrace the transformative power within you.

Blessed be on your magickal journey✨🌙



James Ledbetter
James Ledbetter
Jul 17, 2023

I am so glad I could this blog!!! I love all you4 content. Your boxes are amazing. Now I can keep up better! Hope you're doing well old friend!

Jul 17, 2023
Replying to

It sounds like you’ve embraced the challenges as opportunities!

Know that the universe conspires in your favor. I believe your journey is filled with magick and your dreams manifest into reality. April is just a few ‘turns of the wheel’ away! You, my friend, are destined for exactly what fuels your soul✨

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