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Neptune’s Retrograde Journey through Pisces & Your Transformation💫🔮✨

Greetings Magick Makers!

Let us delve into the mystical waters of Neptune, as it embarks on its retrograde journey through the dreamy realms of Pisces. Brace yourselves, for this celestial dance will guide us through a transformational experience that spans the majority of the rest of the year. Are you prepared to embrace the waves of change?

Neptune, the Planet of Illusion, Dreams, and Fantasies, undergoes its retrograde cycle annually, enveloping us in a haze of shifting energies. As this ethereal planet loses its power during retrograde, the illusions that once captivated us begin to fade away, allowing a clearer path to emerge. Prepare for a surge of clarity and a dissipation of brain fog as we navigate the months ahead.

During this retrograde, we are presented with a remarkable opportunity to shift our perspective and awaken to the truth. Neptune, with its whimsical and nebulous influence, often casts an enchanting spell upon our minds. But as it retraces its steps in the heavens, we are urged to confront our illusions and reevaluate our direction. Let us embrace this powerful moment of reflection, examining where our dreams have obscured our judgment and hindered our progress. It is time to transition from mere daydreaming to inspired action.

As Neptune's veil lifts, our visions become sharper, enabling us to make informed decisions with greater discernment. Seek a healthier balance between reality and fantasy, shedding light on the blind spots that have eluded you thus far. By acknowledging these truths, you can pave a smoother path towards your goals and aspirations.

While this transit may temporarily leave us questioning our intuition, it is vital to take time for contemplation before making significant choices. Weigh your options and trust your inner knowing as you navigate the choices before you. By peeling away the illusions and embracing reality, the whimsy of Neptune's influence can work its enchantment in your life.

On the positive side, this period of Neptune retrograde holds immense creative potential. Dive deep into the realms of music, writing, and art, allowing your sensitivity and imagination to guide you towards self-awareness and rejuvenation. Prioritize self-care during this time, and you shall emerge revitalized when Neptune resumes its direct trajectory.

Amidst this transformative journey, be mindful of certain dates when Neptune's energies interact with other celestial forces. From August 13 to August 26, be cautious as Mars in Virgo clashes with Neptune in Pisces, potentially inviting deception and confusion into our lives. Exercise discernment and navigate these days with care to avoid run ins you may regret.

Another crucial period to note is from October 29 to November 7, when Venus in Virgo encounters Neptune in Pisces. Brace yourself for challenging realizations in matters of romance and friendships. This is a time when the true colors of others may be revealed, so remain vigilant and protect your heart while staying true to your own authenticity.

Although this journey through Neptune retrograde may seem like a bumpy ride, it offers us a precious opportunity to remove the rose-colored glasses we have worn throughout the first half of the year. Embrace the winds of change, my witchy friends & let us make the necessary transformations in our lives.

✨🔮 May your path be illuminated, your dreams aligned with reality, and your creativity flourish as Neptune guides us through this enchanting retrograde. 🔮✨

Yours in the moonlight,


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