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Navigating the Dark Half Of the Year✨🕯️🌙

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Greetings my Witchy Friends!

As we gather once again to celebrate the profound embrace of the dark half of the year. With the Autumn Equinox a mere month away, let us embark on a journey of magickal depth and insight, embracing the secrets and energies that this enigmatic season brings.

I believe this time offers a unique opportunity for transformation and renewal.

Crafting an Altar of Transformation:

Prepare a sacred space that honors the energies of this season. Begin by selecting a table or surface that resonates with you. Adorn it with autumnal colors such as deep reds, oranges, and purples. Place symbols of the elements in their corresponding directions: a feather for air, a bowl of water, a candle for fire, and a dish of salt for earth. To deepen the connection, add representations of the deities or spirits you work with, inviting their wisdom to bless your altar.

The Ritual of Shedding and Releasing:

Under the waning moon, choose an evening for a ritual of release. Light a black candle to symbolize banishment and transformation. Write down aspects of your life that no longer serve your highest good on individual pieces of paper. Read them aloud, acknowledging their presence, and then ignite each piece from the black candle flame, watching as the ashes drift away. As the smoke rises, visualize the negative energies dissipating into the ethers, making space for growth.

Deepening Divination Practices:

This season is a time of heightened intuition and connection to the unseen.

This is a good time to try your Divination skills on a tea leaf reading by steeping a fragrant blend of herbs known for their psychic properties, like mugwort and lavender. Pour the tea into a white cup and sip mindfully, allowing your thoughts to drift. When you finish, swirl the cup gently and turn it upside down on a saucer. Study the patterns left behind, letting your intuition guide you in interpreting their meanings.

Communing with Tree Spirits:

Embark on a meditative journey through a forest or wooded area, connecting with the spirits of the trees. Find a tree that resonates with you and sit in its shade. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, feeling the energy of the earth beneath you. Visualize your roots intertwining with the roots of the tree, establishing a powerful connection. Ask the tree for guidance and insights, listening for whispers in the rustling leaves.

Exploring Astral Realms:

As the nights grow longer, the astral realms become more accessible. Before embarking on an astral journey, you may choose to create a protective circle.  Anoint your forehead, heart, and wrists with a blend of mugwort, wormwood and frankincense essential oil. Lie down in a comfortable and quiet space, close your eyes, and visualize a silver cord connecting you to your physical body. Travel through the astral plane with intention, seeking wisdom from ancestors or spirit guides.

Creating Moon Essence Water:

Crafting Moon Water under the desired moon phase is something we may often create. As we venture deeper into the dark half of the year, our connection with the moon's energy takes on an even more potent allure. To enhance the essence of moon water during this season, consider pairing it with the enchanting and grounding energy of Cedarwood.

The rich and woody aroma of cedarwood carries the essence of ancient wisdom and grounding strength. This essence resonates with the earth element and can enhance your connection to the earth's energies during this transformative time. Cedarwood brings a sense of stability and protection, making it a powerful ally as you navigate the mysteries of the dark half of the year. Infusing your moon water with cedarwood can create a harmonious blend that supports your journey into the depths of your own magick.

How to:

  • On a clear and moonlit (or dark, depending on your use) night, place a bowl of fresh, pure water outside to collect the moon's energy. Use a glass or ceramic container to preserve the water's purity.

  • Add a small piece of Cedarwood bark or a few drops of Cedarwood essential oil to the water. As you do so, set your intention for the essence you wish to create. Visualize the moon's silvery light infusing the water with its mystical energies, and the Cedarwood enhancing the essence's grounding and intuitive qualities.

  • Allow the water to bask in the moonlight overnight, absorbing the energies of both the moon and the Cedarwood. In the morning, carefully retrieve the essence and store it in a dark glass bottle to preserve its potency.

With the essence of Cedarwood dancing alongside the moon's energy, you'll find yourself immersed in a tapestry of magical vibrations that guide you through the enchanting mysteries of the dark half of the year.

An alternative to Cedarwood would be Frankincense.

Frankincense, with its ethereal and resinous scent, is often associated with spirituality and connecting with higher realms. This essence has been used for centuries to enhance meditation, rituals, and spiritual practices. By combining frankincense with moon water, you invite the energies of the moon to guide you on your inner journey. Frankincense can also amplify your intuition and facilitate communication with the spirit world. As the veil between worlds grows thin, this pairing can offer you a conduit for accessing deeper insights and guidance.

Simply use the same 'recipe' as above, replacing Cedarwood bark with Frankincense tears or essential oil.

Embrace the Enchantment:

Let this season of the dark half be a time of deep introspection and transformation. As you navigate the mysteries of the autumnal energies, remember that you are a powerful creator of your reality. Dance with the shadows, commune with spirits, and let the wisdom of this season guide you toward the illumination you seek.

May your path be enkindled by the flames of your own inner magick,

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