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🌟🌙✨Leo New Moon Ritual Guide: Embrace Your Inner Radiance✨🌙🌟

Greetings, my Witchy Friends!

Here is your guide to weaving celestial magic and tapping into the vibrant energies of the Universe. As we stand on the threshold of the New Moon in Leo, set for August 16th, 2023, let's dive into some ritual ideas that will ignite your inner fire and empower your journey towards authenticity and joy.

The Leo New Moon: A Cosmic Tapestry of Self-Expression

The Leo New Moon arrives with all the radiant splendor that Leo, the lion-hearted sign, brings. This celestial event marks the start of a fresh lunar cycle, and as the curtain rises on this cosmic play, we're invited to step into the spotlight of our own lives and take center stage. Leo energy, fueled by the Sun's potent influence, amplifies our courage, creativity, and passion. It's a time of rekindling the flames of our deepest desires and embracing the authenticity that resides within.

Simplifying for Joy and Authenticity

As the lunar cycle begins anew, we're handed a cosmic broom to sweep away the clutter of emotional baggage that may have accumulated. The Leo New Moon encourages us to simplify our lives, to shed the heavy burdens that hold us back, and to make room for more joy and lightness. In the tapestry of Leo's energy, one of the highest octaves is the quality of simplicity. By decluttering our emotional landscapes and shedding overcomplication, we pave the way for a smoother journey towards our authentic selves.


🦁 Leo Energy: Courage, Creativity, Passion

☀️ Sun: Personal Power, Identity, Illumination, Inner Truth

🌟 New Moon: New Beginnings, Setting Intentions

🔥 Element of Fire: Transformation, Energy, Passion

💛 Color: Gold, Yellow, Black, Orange

🎨 Crystals: Carnelian, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Yellow Aventurine, Obsidian, Pyrite, Red Jasper,Citrine

🌹 Herbs: Calendula, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Rose, Chamomile, St. John’s Wort, Dahlia

🔮 Tarot Card: Strength VIII


Unveiling the True Self: Black Moon Lilith's Influence

In this enchanting cosmic dance, Black Moon Lilith steps onto the stage, infusing the energies of the New Moon with her potent presence. Black Moon Lilith, the untamed and wild aspect of feminine energy, aligns perfectly with Leo's call for authenticity. She encourages us to strip away societal norms and expectations, revealing the unapologetic truth of who we are. Through her lens, we're guided to establish boundaries that honor our worth, standing tall in the face of challenges and embodying our inner strength.

Divination with Black Moon Lilith: A Journey to the Hidden Self

Incorporate Black Moon Lilith's energy into your divination work during this New Moon phase. Draw cards or cast runes with the intention of uncovering the layers of your authentic self that have been obscured by societal conditioning. Allow her energy to guide you in peeling back the layers, exposing the raw and unfiltered aspects of your being. As you embrace your untamed spirit, you'll find the courage to stand in your truth and rewrite your own narrative.

If using Tarot, tap into the energy of the Strength card, you'll find yourself aligning harmoniously with the potent currents of the Leo New Moon, embarking

on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Spell Work: Embracing Your Radiance

Igniting Passion Spell:

Light a gold or orange candle, symbolizing the flames of your passions and desires. As the fire flickers, speak your intentions aloud. Express your commitment to pursuing your true path with unwavering courage and determination.


By Leo's flame, I now proclaim,

My inner light, I shall reclaim.

With courage strong and passion true,

I stand in my power, pure and new.

No longer hidden, no longer concealed,

Authenticity and joy are now revealed.

Boundaries set, I rise above,

Embracing my worth and self-love.


Boundaries of Confidence Charm Bag DIY:

Craft a charm bag using a small pouch, filling it with rose petals, calendula petals, a piece of tiger's eye, yellow citrine, and a small cinnamon stick. Visualize a shield of confidence enveloping you as you assemble the charm. This shield will empower you to establish and maintain healthy boundaries, ensuring your authentic self shines through.


Within this charm, my infused power resides,

Boundaries strong, no more divides.

Confident heart, shield of gold,

My inner strength, forever bold.

Leo's fire, ignite my core,

Empower me now, forevermore

So Mote it Be!


Revealing Your Authentic Self: Introspective Journaling

  • How can I simplify my life to make room for more joy and lightness?

  • What aspects of my true self have I been suppressing or neglecting?

  • How can I embrace my passions and creative pursuits more fully?

  • What boundaries do I need to establish to honor my authenticity?

  • In what ways can I enhance my self-confidence and inner strength?


Invocation to Kindle Your Inner Radiance

Embrace Your Inner Radiance

As the Leo New Moon takes its place in the cosmos, let us seize this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. The energy of Leo, combined with

the magick of the New Moon, calls us to simplify our lives, shine our inner light, and stand confidently in our truth.

May your ritual be filled with intention, your journaling lead to profound insights, and your spells awaken the roaring fire within.

Embrace your inner radiance, for you are a part of the luminous tapestry of stars that illuminate the night sky.

Brightest Blessings on your Magickal Journey!


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