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  • Writer's pictureLia

✨🔮💫June 1st! Day of Manifesting Abundance

🔮🌙🍂 Greetings Witches & other magickal beings! 🍂🌙🔮

✨ Happy day of abundance, my enchanting friends! Today, on this glorious first day of the month, let's dive into the wondrous tradition of using cinnamon and sea salt to beckon abundance into our homes. Prepare to be captivated by the mystical reasons behind this ancient practice! 🏠💫

🌾 Ah, cinnamon! With its tantalizingly warm and spicy aroma, this delightful spice has been a long-standing symbol of prosperity and wealth in countless cultures. Its allure is legendary, evoking good fortune and success. The mere whiff of cinnamon sets the stage for positive energy and wonderful opportunities to come knocking at your door, while simultaneously awakening your senses and setting your passions ablaze.

🌊 And let us not forget the magical might of sea salt! This powerful purifier has been cherished for centuries, renowned for its ability to cleanse and protect sacred spaces. It acts as a shield against any lingering negative energies that might dare to cross your path. By blending cinnamon and sea salt together, we create an extraordinary concoction that not only attracts abundance but also clears away any obstacles or stagnant vibes that might hinder our journey towards prosperity.

🚪 Ah, the doorway – that mystical threshold between the mundane and the ethereal realms. As we blow our cinnamon and sea salt blend into our homes through the closed doorway, oh, we weave pure enchantment! We're infusing every nook and cranny with the magical essence of cinnamon and the transformative power of sea salt. Abundance flows and dances through our sacred abodes, ensuring that every corner basks in its glorious glow.

🌟 So, here's a delightful little ritual for you to embrace on this 1st day of June:

1️⃣ Blend together a small bowl of cinnamon powder and sea salt, for we're about to embark on a magical journey!

2️⃣ Close all windows and doors, sealing in the sacredness of this moment.

3️⃣ Take a deep breath, center yourself, and let your imagination soar as you visualize the abundance you desire cascading into your life.

4️⃣ Pinch a bit of the cinnamon and sea salt blend, holding it tenderly in your palm. Set your intention for prosperity, focusing on manifesting your desires.

5️⃣ With your heart aflame, stand by your front door and blow the magical mixture into your home. Visualize it dancing through every room, summoning abundance and banishing negativity.

6️⃣ As you conclude this sacred rite, shower your surroundings with gratitude for the blessings that already grace your life and those that eagerly await your embrace.

🌺 Abundance is a wondrous symphony that plays in myriad forms – not just material riches! It manifests as love, opportunities, creativity, and spiritual growth. Embrace its potent energy and trust in the universe's ability to deliver!

✨ May this June 1st bring the beginning of an awe-inspiring, prosperous month for each and every one of you! ✨ Share your magical encounters and rituals in the comments below. Let us come together, celebrating the abundant wonders that await! 🎉🔮💫

🔮🌙🍂 Here's an incantation to infuse your June 1st ritual with a touch of magic:

🔥 "By cinnamon's sweet embrace and sea salt's cleansing grace,

I beckon forth abundance in this sacred space.

As I stand at this doorway, between realms of old and new,

I call upon the universe, my desires to imbue.

With cinnamon's fiery passion, may my dreams take flight,

Igniting passions, guiding me toward my highest height.

Sea salt, a purifier, clears away all that's astray,

Creating space for abundance to flow in every way.

Through this doorway's portal, let prosperity dance,

In love, in joy, in all ventures I enhance.

As I blow this blend, may the winds carry my plea,

Attracting abundance, blessings showered upon me.

Opportunities arise, like stars in the night,

Wealth and success align, oh, what a wondrous sight!

By cinnamon's allure and sea salt's sacred song,

I welcome abundance, where I truly belong.

With gratitude in my heart, I give thanks for the treasure,

For the abundance that flows, in limitless measure.

May this day of abundance mark a joyous start,

To a life overflowing, abundant in every part.

So Mote it Be! As Above, So Below,

Abundance I summon, let its essence glow.

With cinnamon and sea salt, my intentions take flight,

On this day of Abundance, my desires ignite!"


Brightest Blessings🖤 Lia

PS. Litha is fast approaching! Don't miss out on ordering your Litha Ritual Celebration Sabbat Box✨🌻☀️

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