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Harvest Full Moon in Aries is Set to Ignite Your Fire

Greetings my Witchy Friends!

It's hard to believe the Harvest Moon is upon us! I consider this moon my anniversary as it was 28 Harvest Moons since I became dedicated to this path.

Well, the Harvest Moon peaked at 5:58 AM EST today.

This fiery celestial event is a perfect opportunity to harness your inner strength, embrace independence, and illuminate your path. Are you ready to dive into the magick of this powerful Full Moon in Aries? Let's get started!

Understanding the Aries Energy

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is all about embracing your individuality and authenticity. It's the "me" versus "we" polarity, opposing Libra's partnership and camaraderie. As the Harvest Moon graces us with its brilliance in Aries, it's time to awaken your inner warrior. Be courageous, adventurous, and unapologetically yourself. This is your moment to prioritize your needs, stand in your power, and show the world who you are.

Astrological Aspects

This Harvest Moon in Aries promises an array of celestial energies to work with. Mars, the ruler of Aries, will join hands with Venus, igniting passion, desire, and a hint of romance. However, be cautious as Mars and Venus may clash with Pluto, potentially bringing intense power struggles to the surface.

On the brighter side, Mercury will engage in delightful conversations with Jupiter, ushering in luck and happy vibes. Uranus, the planet of surprises, will bring unexpected blessings. Just remember to stay grounded, for Neptune's illusions might try to cloud your vision and leave you feeling vulnerable.

The Full Harvest Moon reaches its peak illumination on September 29, but its influence will be palpable from September 26 to October 2, 2023. Take a moment to reflect on events in your life from late April 2023; situations and plans set in motion after the solar eclipse in Aries on April 19 may be reaching fruition now.

Full Moon in Aries Correspondences

Element: Fire. To honor the fiery energy of Aries, consider lighting a red, pink, or white candle during your ritual. Work with "fiery" crystals such as rainbow moonstone and satin spar/selenite.

Season: Autumn. This Full Moon occurs early in autumn, close to Mabon, the Autumn Equinox.

Colors: Brown, burnt orange, deep red, amber, dark green, and earth tones.

Candle Color: Red, pink, gold, white.

Crystals/Stones: In addition to the mentioned crystals, you can also work with citrine, amber, quartz, aventurine, gold, ruby, and tiger's eye, garnet, bloodstone, jasper, fire opal, or fire agate to amplify your Aries magick.

Herbs/Tea: Sage, Pomegranate and pepper can add a touch of fire to your rituals.

Essential Oils/Incense: Consider using pine, dragon's blood, geranium, or black pepper for an aromatic and potent experience.

Animal: The ram and other horned ruminants represent Aries' energy. Incorporate these symbols into your ritual if you wish.

Other Earth Magick Items: Fresh or dried red, pink, or white flowers from your garden, like asters, can enhance your connection to the season. Decorate your altar with red autumn leaves to symbolize the cycle of initiative and fulfillment. Acorns, representing both fulfillment and new beginnings, make a wonderful addition to your altar setup.

Now, let's get into the magick of the Harvest Full Moon in Aries with some journal prompts, tarot guidance, spell work, and a ritual invocation.

Journal Prompts for Self-Exploration

1. What areas of my life require more courage and independence?

2. How can I embrace my authentic self more fully?

3. What new beginnings or initiatives do I want to set into motion during this powerful Aries Full Moon?

Tarot Pull Question

What aspects of my life need to be ignited and energized during this Harvest Full Moon in Aries?

Draw a card and contemplate its meaning in relation to your question.

Aries' Blaze of Intention


  • Red or white candle (choose the one that resonates with you)

  • Aries correspondences (crystals, herbs, oils)

  • Pen and paper

  • Matches or a lighter

  • Fireproof dish or bowl

  1. Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet, sacred space where you won't be disturbed. Ensure you have all your spell ingredients within reach.

  2. Cleansing and Centering: Start by cleansing your space and yourself. You can use a smudge stick, incense, or simply take a few deep breaths to clear your mind and focus your energy.

  3. Set Your Intention: Take a moment to clarify your intention for this spell. What do you want to manifest or release during this Full Moon? Write it down on the piece of paper in clear and positive language.

  4. Prepare the Candle: Carve the Aries symbol or the word "Aries" onto the candle. Anoint the candle with an Aries-appropriate essential oil (e.g., black pepper or dragon's blood) from the base to the wick. As you do this, visualize your intention coming to fruition.

  5. Light the Candle: Use a match or lighter to ignite the candle's flame. As you do, say aloud or in your mind while raising your arms:

Ritual Invocation

Under the Harvest Moon's fiery glow,

In Aries' strength, my spirit shall grow.

I claim my power, courage, and might,

With every challenge, I'll rise to the height.

As I stand in my truth and blaze my own way,

This Full Moon in Aries guides my path today.

As I Am

So Mote it Be

  • Focus Your Energy: Gaze into the candle's flame and concentrate on your intention. Feel the fiery energy of Aries supporting your desires. Let the candle burn for a few minutes while you continue to meditate on your goal.

  • Release Your Intention: Carefully fold the piece of paper with your intention written on it and hold it over the candle's flame. As it begins to burn, visualize your intention turning into energy and rising up into the universe. Place the burning paper into the fireproof dish to let it safely burn out.

  • Gratitude and Closing: After the paper has burned completely, sit in silence for a few moments, expressing gratitude for the energy and strength you've received from the Aries Full Moon. Blow out the candle and say:

With gratitude, I end this rite, Aries' fire, burn through the night.My intention's set, the path is clear, As I embrace the magick, I hold dear.

  • Dispose of the Ashes: Once the candle has cooled and the ashes remain, scatter them outside under the open sky, returning your intentions to the universe.

  • Close the Circle: Close your magical circle if you cast one, or simply thank the energies and elements you invoked during your spell.

This Aries' Blaze of Intention spell work allows you to harness the fiery energy of Aries to manifest your desires under the Harvest Full Moon. May your intentions blaze brightly and lead you toward your goals.

As you embrace the potent energies of the Harvest Full Moon in Aries, remember that you are a force to be reckoned with. Harness the courage and independence of Aries, and let your inner fire guide you toward your desires.

May this Full Moon illuminate your path and set your spirit ablaze with determination and authenticity.

May your spells be successful and your journey be filled with magick ✨

Brightest Blessings!


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