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Harnessing the Power of the Full Moon in Capricorn

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

💫🔮✨Embrace Achievement and Transformation✨🔮💫

Greetings my fellow witches and seekers of magick!

The cosmos blesses us with another celestial event that holds immense power and potential for our growth and success. Today, we delve into the enchanting energies of the Full Moon in Capricorn, a time of achievement, discipline, and profound transformation. Join me as we explore the mysteries of this lunar phase and discover how to harness its magickal essence.

Embracing the Full Moon in Capricorn:

On July 3rd, as the moon reaches its full glory in the determined sign of Capricorn, we find ourselves standing at the precipice of progress and accomplishment. The Full Moon in Capricorn urges us to assess our paths, recognize our achievements, and release what no longer serves our highest purpose. This is a time of powerful manifestation and the opportunity to align ourselves with the energies of success and fulfillment.

The Energies of the Full Moon in Capricorn:

Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, brings forth the energies of discipline, practicality, and ambition. During this Full Moon, we can witness the fruits of our labor and experience the sense of achievement that comes from dedicated efforts. The celestial dance between the Sun and the Moon in opposing signs illuminates our path, allowing us to see clearly the steps we need to take for our growth and advancement.

Confronting the Shadow Self:

As with every Full Moon cycle, the energies of release and transformation are heightened. The Full Moon in Capricorn urges us to confront our shadow selves—the aspects of ourselves that hold us back, limit our potential, and perpetuate self-doubt. Through introspection, journaling, and the rituals we perform, we can shed light on these shadow aspects and embrace them, encouraging room for growth, success, and self-realization.

Spellwork for the Full Moon in Capricorn:

To fully embrace the transformative energies of this Full Moon, we can craft spells that align with the themes of achievement, discipline, and releasing what no longer serves us. Consider a spell that empowers you to release old patterns, limitations, and self-sabotaging beliefs. Utilize the correspondences of this lunar phase, such as black candles for release and white candles for clarity, to amplify the potency of your spellwork.

Tarot Pull

Exploring the Depths of the Shadow Self:

During this Full Moon in Capricorn, let us delve into the mysteries of the Tarot and invite introspection. Pull a card, specifically focusing on the Devil card, which represents the shadow self and the aspects of our psyche that hold us captive. Reflect on the lessons this card offers, the patterns it unveils, and the transformation it demands. Journal your insights and use this knowledge as a catalyst for personal growth.

Incantation for This Capricorn Full Moon:

By the light of this Full Moon in Capricorn's glow,

I call upon the magick that lies below.

In the realms of achievement and success,

I embrace transformation, I must confess.

Shadow self, I now confront you here,

Releasing the chains that hold me near.

No longer bound by doubt and fear,

I step into my power, crystal clear.

The Goddess within me, guide my way,

Illuminate my path, day by day.

Grant me strength and intuition keen,

As I manifest my dreams, like a queen.

As I stand, my source of manifestation,

Empowered with determination.

With every step, I align with my truth,

Unlocking my potential, from root to roof.

Earth, Air, Fire, and Water unite,

Elements of power, shining bright.

Grounded in Earth's stability and might,

I soar with Air, reaching new heights.

The flame of Fire ignites my desire,

Water's flow fuels my soul's fire.

In harmony with nature's sacred dance,

I embrace transformation, taking a chance.

On this Full Moon in Capricorn's reign,

I release what no longer serves, with no refrain.

I claim my power, my goals I pursue,

With every intention, my dreams come true.

As above, so below, in perfect harmony,

The magick of this Full Moon sets me free.

I embrace the energies that now abound,

Transforming my life, with magick profound.

So mote it be, under moonlit skies,

With the Full Moon in Capricorn, my spirit flies.

I am empowered, I am strong,

As I Am, I truly belong.

As the Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates the night sky, we stand united in our quest for achievement and transformation. Embrace the energies of this lunar phase, release what no longer serves you, and step boldly into your path of success. May the blessings of this Full Moon guide you towards the realization of your goals, the breaking of chains, and the embracing of your true potential.

Until we meet again, may your journey be filled with magick and empowerment.🖤

Brightest Blessings ✨ LIA

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