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Guide to the New Moon in Aries/Solar Eclipse

How to Harness the Cosmic Energy & Manifest Your Dreams

Greetings Witches!

Are you ready for some Celestial Magick? On April 20th we're in for a cosmic treat-

a New Moon in Aries with a Solar Eclipse. Two powerful astrological events happening at once. It's like having a double espresso shot of magic straight to your soul!

But what does it all mean? Well, let's break it down!

First, the New Moon in Aries. Aries is a fire sign that's all about passion, action, and courage. It's the first sign of the zodiac, representing new beginnings and fresh starts. When the New Moon is in Aries, we're invited to set intentions and plant seeds for the future. Much like what we did in March at the first New Moon in Aries of the Season.

But wait, there's more! This New Moon also comes with a Solar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, casting a shadow on the Earth. This creates a powerful surge of energy that can help us manifest our desires and release what no longer serves us.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries is a powerful event that can help us tap into our inner fire and passion. It's a time to take risks, be bold, and follow our heart. Here are some astrological details to keep in mind:

- The Solar Eclipse will be at 29 degrees of Aries, right before the Sun enters Taurus. This means that it's a time to wrap up old projects, let go of what no longer serves us, and prepare for new beginnings.

- The Solar Eclipse will form a conjunction with Uranus, the planet of change, innovation, and liberation. This means that unexpected opportunities and breakthroughs may arise. It's a time to embrace the unknown and trust in the universe.

- The Solar Eclipse will also form a square with Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and intensity. This means that we may face some challenges or resistance on our path. It's a time to confront our shadow side and work through our fears.

So, how do we make the most of this cosmic alignment? Here are some tips and tricks to help you harness the magic of the New Moon in Aries + Solar Eclipse:

Tapping into the energy of Crystals as they're a great tool to amplify the energy of the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse. Here are some crystals that correspond with Aries and the Eclipse:

- Carnelian: This fiery crystal is perfect for boosting energy, motivation, and creativity. It also helps with manifestation and self-expression.

- Citrine: This sun-centric crystal is great for manifesting abundance, prosperity, and joy. It also helps with self-confidence invoking your desires.

- Obsidian: This protective crystal is great for releasing negative energy, fears, and doubts. It also helps with grounding and spiritual transformation.

- Red jasper: This earthy crystal is perfect for grounding, stability, and courage. It also helps with manifesting practical goals and overcoming obstacles.


Now that you know the astrological details and crystal correspondences, it's time to set up your altar and circle for the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries. Here are some ideas:

- Use candles in shades of red, orange, and gold to invoke the fire energy of Aries & the Sun.

- Burn incense or herbs that correspond with courage, passion, and manifestation, such as cinnamon, ginger, pepper, cayenne, or frankincense.

- Use the crystals mentioned above (or what aligns with your intentions) that amplify the energy of the New Moon and the Eclipse energies.

- Set up your altar with symbols of fire, sun, self renewal, snakes, anything sharp.

- Create a circle and cast it with intention and reverence.

Once you've set up your space, now is the time to do a ritual if you choose, (Eclipse energy can be intense, don't force yourself to perform a ritual if you don't have the bandwidth. You are no less of a witch!)

On this night of Light and Dark, as the energy of Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse illuminates my path, I connect with the elements & invoke their energy.

I light this candle to represent the fire that burns within me. leading me on my chosen journey.

As I gaze into the flame, I invoke a ball of fire to radiate from my solar plexus, igniting my inner power.

Clarity, Prosperity, and intentions take hold.

That which I manifest this night are clear & concise.

As I write what will be, the emotions of fruition and fulfillment consume me.

I take paper to flame & release that which I invoke into the Universe.

My Ancestors, Guides & Deities I thank!

As Above So Below

So Mote it Be.


In addition to a ritual, there are many intention setting practices you can do to tap into the magick of the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries. Here are some ideas:

- Scribe a letter to your future self, describing your ideal life in detail. Write it as if it has already happened, and feel the emotions of excitement & fulfillment.

- If you haven't created a vision board, tonight is a good night for it! Use images and words that represent your intentions. Hang it in a prominent place where you can see it throughout the Wheel of the Year.

- Take a ritual bath with herbs and oils that correspond with Aries and the Eclipse. Visualize yourself shedding that which you no longer want in your life and stepping into your power.

- Dance, sing, or create art that represents your intentions. Let your body and soul discover & express your magickal journey.


Solar Eclipse Journaling Prompts

Journaling is a powerful tool for Shadow Work & Manifestation.

Here are some journaling prompts to help you align with the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries:

- What new beginnings do I want to initiate in my life?

- What risks am I willing to take to follow my passion and purpose?

- What fears or doubts are holding me back from manifesting my desires?

- What mundane steps can I take to assist in making my intentions a reality?


And there you have it, witches! Your guide to the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries. Remember to trust your intuition, your magic, and your connection to the Universe. May your intentions be manifest, and your magick be ignited with the fire of Aries.

Brightest Blessings✨Lia


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