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  • Writer's pictureLia

Busy Witch Box’s Guide to Leo Season 2023: July 22nd - August 23rd

Welcome to the enchanting and vibrant Leo season, where the sun shines brightly, and our hearts are filled with passion and creativity. As we bask in Leo's radiant energy, we'll explore the correspondences, magical properties, spell work, Tarot card, invocation, incantation, and other essential aspects to make the most of this extraordinary time. While Venus's retrograde may bring some introspection, Leo's fiery energy will still ignite our spirits and inspire us to shine like the stars in the night sky.


- Element: Fire

- Planet: Sun

- Colors: Gold, Orange, Red

- Crystals: Citrine, Carnelian, Sunstone

- Herbs: Rosemary, Cinnamon, Ginger

Magical Properties:

Leo season is perfect for spells and rituals related to:

- Self-Confidence: Embrace the lion's courage and strengthen your self-confidence.

- Passion: Ignite the fire of passion in your heart and your creative endeavors.

- Romantic Love: Enhance your romantic experiences and attract loving relationships.

- Artistic Expression: Unleash your creativity and artistic talents.

- Abundance: Call upon Leo's abundance and prosperity to manifest financial goals.

Spell Work:

Sun Empowerment Spell

Harness the power of the sun to boost your confidence and empower your spirit. Find a sunny spot outdoors or place a gold or orange cloth on your altar. Light a yellow or gold candle and breathe deeply, absorbing the sun's energy. Recite your affirmations and visualize yourself shining brightly like the sun. Carry this empowering energy with you throughout the season.

Tarot Card:

The Strength Card

The Strength card embodies Leo's energy and represents courage, inner strength, and determination. It reminds us to tame our inner beasts, find balance, and approach challenges with grace and compassion.

Tarot Prompts

5 Card Pull

✨What is my greatest inner strength? How can I utilize this strength for my greater good?

✨How can I step into my power?

✨How do I acknowledge my gifts with personal celebration?

✨Where do I need to take bigger risks in my life?

✨What represents my authentic  self?


Invoke the energy of Leo with a simple yet powerful invocation:

Great Leo, ruler of the sun,Within my heart, your fire is spun.

With passion burning in my soul,I embrace my power and feel whole.As a star shines bright up high,I claim my light, no need to shy.

In solitude, I find my way,Through art and love, I seize the day.Within this sacred, solitary hour,I embrace my gifts and inner power.

I walk my path, both fierce and true,With this Leo Season, I shine anew.

Journal Prompts:

✨Embracing Your Inner Star: During Leo season, the spotlight is on you! Reflect on your unique qualities, talents, and passions that make you shine like a star. What are the aspects of yourself that you feel most proud of, and how can you celebrate and showcase them during this radiant time?

✨Courageous Creativity: Leo season encourages artistic expression and creativity. Think about a creative project or hobby that you've been hesitant to pursue or share with others. What fears or doubts have been holding you back? How can you summon your lion-hearted courage to take a bold step forward and fully embrace your creative gifts?

✨Lion's Roar: Asserting Boundaries: The lion is a symbol of strength and assertiveness. Reflect on your boundaries and how you communicate them to others. Are there areas in your life where you need to assert yourself more confidently? How can you find a balance between being compassionate and assertive, ensuring that your needs are met while respecting the needs of others?


✨Confidence Charm Incantation

This incantation is perfect for boosting self-confidence:

By Leo's fire, I stand tall,

With inner strength, I won't fall.

Confidence blooming like a flower,

I embrace my own power.


Magickal Tips:

- During this Leo season, embrace your artistic impulses and desire for love and luxury.

- Be prepared for the Venus retrograde's slowdowns, prompting self-reflection in matters of art, romance, and finances.

- Utilize the harmonious trines of Mars and Mercury with Jupiter to move forward on pragmatic plans.

- The sun's alignment with Venus will bolster beauty and relationships, even during introspection.

- Brace for unexpected shakeups as the sun squares Uranus, bringing surprising changes.

Leo season 2023 is a time to shine, express your creativity, and revel in the limelight. Despite Venus's retrograde, Leo's fiery energy will fuel your passions and bring opportunities for personal growth and self-expression. Embrace the lion's courage and unleash your inner power, as you make the most of this enchanting time.

May the energy of Leo season bring you confidence, love, and abundance as you walk the path of the lion-hearted!

Brightest Blessings🔮 Lia

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