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✨ Celebrating the Magick of Ostara✨

Updated: Mar 25, 2023

Greetings Witches and Wise Ones!

Welcome the arrival of spring, we celebrate two significant events - Ostara and Aries Season. Here's what you need to know:

As we honor and celebrate the turn of the Wheel of the Year, one of the most significant celebrations is the festival of Ostara. This is a time of great importance, as it marks the Spring Equinox, a time when light and dark are in perfect balance.

Ostara is a time of new beginnings and renewal, where the earth awakens from its long slumber and life begins anew. This is a time of fertility, growth, and new life, where the earth is bursting with energy and vitality.

For Wiccans, it is a time to honor the Goddess and her power of creation, as well as the God and his power of fertility.

During Ostara, we celebrate the return of the light and the warmth of the sun, which brings the promise of new growth and abundance. It is a time to let go of the old, to release what no longer serves us, and to welcome in the new. We honor the cycles of nature and the interconnectedness of all things, recognizing that we are a part of the great web of life.

As we celebrate Ostara, we honor the balance of light and dark, of masculine and feminine energies. We recognize the importance of finding balance in our own lives, of balancing work and play, rest and activity, and of honoring both our light and shadow selves.

In our rituals and ceremonies, we honor the symbols of Ostara, such as eggs, rabbits, and flowers. These represent fertility, growth, and new life, and we use them to connect with the energy of the season. Weaving in candle magic, planting seeds for abundance, and other acts of magic to manifest our intentions and desires.

Ultimately, Ostara is a time of joy and celebration, a time to honor the earth and her cycles, and to embrace the promise of new beginnings. As a traditional witch, I honor and celebrate this sacred time with reverence and gratitude, knowing that the power of the season is within me, and that I am a part of the cosmic tapestry of existence.


As the sun enters the fiery sign of Aries, we are infused with the energy of courage, passion, and ambition. It's a time to take action, make bold moves, and pursue goals with determination. During this season, we focus on the themes of leadership, self-expression, and initiation.

On April 6, we will experience the Full Moon in Libra. This Full Moon will shine a light on our relationships, both romantic and platonic, and bring to our awareness any imbalances or areas in need of reconciliation. As Libra is the sign of balance and harmony, this Full Moon invites us to find a middle ground between our needs and the needs of others. It encourages us to communicate openly and honestly and to seek compromise and understanding.

On April 20, we will experience the New Moon in Aries, which is also a powerful total solar eclipse. This New Moon marks the beginning of Taurus Season and signals a time of potent energy. As Aries is the sign of action and initiation, this New Moon invites us to take bold steps towards our dreams and to trust in our inner fire. It encourages us to embrace our courage take risks in pursuit of our goals.

Align With the Power of the Equinox Spell

Gather your tools for the spell, which can include a white candle, a black candle, a piece of paper and pen, and any other items that resonate with you (Rainbow Moonstone, Quartz, Labradorite or Amazonite are great crystals for this).

Light the white candle and say:

On this day of the spring equinox, I honor the balance of light and dark. As the days grow longer and the nights grow shorter, I embrace the power of new beginnings and prosperity.”

Light the black candle and say:

Through the darkness, I call upon the energy of transformation and growth. I release any negativity or fear that may hold me back from my highest potential.”

Take the piece of paper and write down any fears, doubts, or negative beliefs that you wish to release. Visualize them leaving your mind and flowing onto the paper.

Once you have written down everything that you wish to release, light the paper on fire with the black candle. As it burns, repeat the following incantation:

“By the power of the equinox and the balance of light and dark, I release what no longer serves me. May the fire transform my fears into courage and my doubts into confidence. As the flames consume this paper, so too do they consume my doubts and negativity.”

Allow the paper to burn completely, and then extinguish the black candle. Take a moment to feel the release of your fears and doubts, and to feel the power of transformation and growth.

Light the white candle again, and say:

“As the light overcomes the darkness, I welcome the power of new beginnings and prosperity. May the energy of the spring equinox bring abundance and joy into my life.”

Take a deep breath in, and exhale slowly. When you are ready, close the circle and carry the energy of the equinox and the balance of light and dark with you as you move forward.

Here's an Invocation to call forth the energy of Ostara Season:

I call upon the powers of the earth and sky,

To bless this season of renewal and growth.

May the sun's warmth infuse me with vitality,

And the earth's fertility bring forth abundance.

I welcome the energy of Aries,

And the courage and passion it brings.

May this season be a time of new beginnings as I am guided by Persephone, Goddess

of Spring.


Meditation for the Season


May this season bring you much joy, growth, and magical abundance🪶

Brightest Blessings,


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