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  • Writer's pictureLia

As the Veil Thins


As you may know, Beltane and Samhain are two of the most powerful times of the year when the veil between the worlds is thin. At Beltane, when the Wheel of the Year turns towards summer, the spirits of nature, spirit guides, and our ancestors are more active and can be more easily communicated with. It's a time of fertility, growth, and abundance when the energies of life and creativity are at their peak.

One of the divination arts that can aid us in this communication is scrying.

Scrying is a technique used to see beyond the physical world and into the realm of the unseen. It is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries by witches, shamans, and other spiritual practitioners. The most common form of scrying we see depicted in the mundane world is using a crystal ball. There are many types of Scrying as it can also be done with water, mirrors, fire, or any reflective surface.


Where Do I Begin?

To begin Scrying, find a quiet, dark space where you won't be disturbed. Light a candle and sit comfortably with your chosen Scrying tool in front of you. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax.

Focus on your intention, whether it be to communicate with your ancestors or to receive guidance from your spirit guides. Gaze into the Scrying tool and allow your mind to quiet. Don't force anything, simply allow the images to come to you.

As you practice Scrying, you may begin to see symbols, images, or even hear messages. Trust in what you receive and don't judge or analyze it. Take note of any insights or guidance you receive and use it to guide your spiritual practice.

It's important to remember that Scrying is a tool, and not the only way to communicate with the unseen world. You can also connect with your ancestors through meditation, ritual, or by simply setting up an altar in their honor. The Fae & other Nature Spirits can be honored by leaving offerings of food or flowers in the forest or other natural spaces.


Various Forms of Scrying

1. Water Scrying: Fill a dark bowl with water and light a candle behind it. You may place a crystal in the bottom for reflective purposes & to charge your water. Gaze into the water and allow the images to come to you. You can also add herbs or essential oils to the water for added clarity and focus.

2. Mirror Scrying: Use a black or dark mirror and place it in a darkened room. Light a candle behind the mirror and gaze into it. Allow the images to come to you without judgment or analysis.

3. Flame Scrying: Light a candle and gaze into the flame. Allow your mind to quiet and see if any images or symbols come to you. You can also use a bonfire or other source of fire for this form of scrying.

4. Cloud Scrying: This can be done anywhere with a clear view of the sky. Gaze at the clouds and allow your mind to wander. See if any symbols or images come to you in the clouds.

An Invocation for Scrying with Beltane Energies

By the power of the elements and the spirits that guide us,
I call upon the unseen world to open to me.
May my mind be clear and my heart be open,
As I seek guidance and wisdom from beyond the physical realm.
Ancestors, Spirit Guides, and Nature Spirits among me,
I invite you to join me in this Sacred Space,
To share your knowledge and insights with me,
And to guide me on my spiritual path.
As the veil thins and the magic of Beltane approaches,
May my intuition be heightened and my senses be sharp,
As I delve into the mysteries of the unseen world.


Remember, Scrying is a personal practice and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different forms of Scrying and find what resonates with you. With practice and patience, Scrying can become a powerful tool for divination and spiritual growth.


Incense Blend for Honoring & Communing with our Ancestors

This Beltane, explore the liminal, take some time to connect with the unseen world. Whether through scrying, meditation, or other practices, honoring our Ancestors, Spirit Guides & Nature Spirits can deepen our spiritual practice and bring us closer to the magick of the natural world.

May your path be blessed and your journey be filled with magick!

✨ Lia

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