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🔮✨A Witchy Weekend Spell for the Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo✨🔮

Greetings, my witchy friends! Tonight, under the enchanting Waxing Crescent Moon in the beautiful & Earth-aligned sign of Virgo, we shall delve into the realm of moon phase magick, incorporating the sign it resides in, to craft a spell that harnesses the celestial energies for manifestation and transformation.

Here is a spell designed to empower your intentions, a spell that shall resonate with the essence of the Virgo moon.

Items Needed:

1. Herbs: chamomile, lavender, and rosemary.

2. Candle: A green or brown candle will align harmoniously with the spell's intent. Green symbolizes growth, healing, and prosperity, while brown embodies stability and grounding.

3. Incense: cleanse & enhance your ritual space with sandalwood.

4. Parchment Paper or Journal: Use parchment paper or a special journal dedicated to your spiritual work to write down your intentions clearly and precisely. The act of writing can strengthen the spell's potency.

5. Crystals: peridot, clear quartz, or amethyst to amplify your intentions.


On this Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo's domain,

With utmost reverence, I call upon your guiding reign.

By Earth's embrace and astral sight,

Bless this spell with your celestial might.

In the Virgo moon's profound embrace,

I seek clarity and precision to embrace.

The essence of Virgo, meticulous and pure,

I invoke thy traits to ensure my path is secure.


Waxing moon, Virgo's art,

Bring forth order, never part.

With focus keen and mind aware,

Manifest my intentions, with Love & Care.

Oh, Maiden of the Zodiac, bless this rite,

With analytical brilliance, I ignite.

Discernment and wisdom, I implore,

As the moon waxes more and more.


Waxing moon, Virgo's art,

Bring forth order, never part.

With focus keen and mind aware,

Manifest my intentions, with Love & Care.

On parchment paper, I inscribe,

Desires and goals, no need to hide.

With blessed herb and candle's flame,

I charge my intent, the celestial game.


Waxing moon, Virgo's art,

Bring forth order, never apart.

With focus keen and mind aware,

Manifest my intentions, with Love & Care.

In sacred space, I cast my spell,

Marrying moon and Virgo's swell.

By Earth and air, by fire and sea,

As I will, so mote it be!


Waxing moon, Virgo's art,

Bring forth order, never apart.

With focus keen and mind aware,

Manifest my intentions, with Love & Care.


As the Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo's embrace unfolds,

I thank thee, cosmic forces, for blessings untold.

This spell now sealed, its purpose set,

In alignment with the heavens, my desires are met.

As Above, So Below

As Within, So Without

As the Universe, So the Soul

So Mote it Be

With the heart of a seeker and the craft of a witch, may this spell ignite the path to clarity and precision under the Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo.

Intentions fueled by the celestial symphony are potent and pure. Embrace the moon's light and Virgo's gifts, and may your journey be filled with enchantment and wonder.

Brightest Blessings!


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