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A Solitary Witch's Guide To The New Moon in Aquarius✨🔮

Greetings, my Witchy Friends!

This year has already proven to be a full of force and energy we've never experienced. Pluto entering Aquarius is huge & is going to affect us for the next 20 years!

Let's use this guide in unraveling the cosmic threads of the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius on February 9, 2024. Join me as we embark on a magickal journey, weaving spells and meditations that resonate with the innovative vibrations of Aquarius. Get ready to harness the innovative and transformative powers of the Water Bearer with joy, intention, and a sprinkle of stardust!

This New Moon brings a convergence of energies that promises not only change but a positive and uplifting shift in our lives. Pluto in Aquarius nudges us toward regenerating relationships and societal dynamics, ensuring that the ripples of our intentions extend far beyond the New Moon phase. The harmonious dance between the Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter infuses optimism and progress into our earthly endeavors, painting the sky with a palette of hope.

Now, let's delve into the magick! As a solitary witch, you have the freedom to customize your rituals and celebrate the New Moon in a way that resonates with your unique energy. Here's a guide to crafting your personal magickal experience!

Stardust Infusion Spell:


- Salt to represent Stardust

- Small glass vial or jar

- Clear Quartz crystal

- Rosemary (for clarity)

- Silver ribbon


1. Begin by grounding yourself in the present moment. Imagine roots extending from your body, connecting you to the core of the Earth.

2. Place the Clear Quartz crystal in the jar, symbolizing the amplification of cosmic energies.

3. Sprinkle the salt into the jar, visualizing it as cosmic alchemy infusing your intentions with celestial magick.

4. Add a dash of rosemary for clarity of purpose and wisdom in your manifestations.

5. Seal the jar and tie the ribbon around it, creating a cosmic sigil that represents your unique journey.

6. Hold the jar in your hands, feeling the energy and potential within. Speak your intentions into the jar, infusing it with your cosmic desires.

7. Place the jar on your altar under the New Moon's glow, allowing it to absorb the transformative energies.

Cosmic Embrace Journey Meditation:

1. Find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

2. Envision a cosmic gateway opening before you, revealing a path of stars.

3. Step onto the starlit path, feeling the cool energy of the cosmos beneath your feet.

4. As you walk, notice celestial symbols and constellations lighting your way. Each symbol holds a message or insight for your journey.

5. Encounter the essence of Aquarius – the Water Bearer – on this cosmic journey. Ask for guidance and insights into your unique path. If major changes are occurring in your life, ask for clarity.

6. Continue walking until you reach a cosmic pool of liquid stardust. Submerge yourself, feeling it cleanse and rejuvenate your spirit.

7. As you emerge from the stardust pool, visualize the cosmic energies surrounding you, infusing you with inspiration, innovation, and transformative power.

8. Gradually return to your physical awareness, bringing with you the cosmic insights gained on your journey.

Embrace Your Cosmic Essence...

As you immerse yourself in the Stardust Infusion Spell and the Cosmic Embrace Journey, remember that you are a magickal being woven into the fabric of the cosmos. The New Moon in Aquarius beckons you to explore uncharted realms, infuse your intentions with stardust, and embrace the cosmic energies that unfold within and around you.

May your spells sparkle with celestial brilliance, and may the cosmic journey reveal the depths of your magickal potential. This New Moon, dear alchemists, is an invitation to transmute your desires into reality and dance under the star covered canopy of possibilities.

Reflective Prompts:

Stardust Infusion Spell:

How did the ‘glittering stardust’ and Clear Quartz crystal resonate with your intentions?

What insights or emotions surfaced as you sealed the jar with the cosmic-colored ribbon? How do anticipate the jar's energy evolving as it rests on your altar beneath the New Moon's glow?

Cosmic Journey Meditation: 

What constellations or symbols appeared on your cosmic path, and what significance do they hold for you?

How did encountering the essence of Aquarius impact your sense of self and personal journey?

What emotions or realizations arose during and after submerging in the cosmic stardust pool?

Overall New Moon in Aquarius Experience:

Reflect on the synergy between the alternative spell and meditation. How did they complement each other in your magickal practice?

Consider any unexpected insights or shifts in energy during the rituals. How do they align with your intentions for positive change and transformation?

What personal symbols or cosmic energies emerged during your journey, and how might they guide your path forward?

Closing Thoughts:

How do you feel now that the rituals are complete? Note any lingering sensations, emotions, or newfound clarity.

Consider the potential long-term effects of the spells and meditations. How might they shape your cosmic journey beyond the New Moon phase?

Express gratitude for the cosmic energies harnessed and the transformative experiences encountered during this magickal guide.

Use this journal reflection as a sacred space to honor your cosmic self, acknowledging the energies stirred during the New Moon in Aquarius. As you pour your thoughts onto the pages, witness the alchemical transformation of your intentions and insights!

May the magick of the Water Bearer illuminate your path!



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